“Valeri Camp 2013”

Saturday 24. August was the main day of this year camp..

Valeri Dimitrov Sensei pointed out that the things that would be trained would be well suited for the group – since this was something one was wondering about

More athletes, more nice weather and more top Shinkyokushin training!

Saturday had three sessions of training, and as before the group was encouraged to ask questions. By this Valeri Dimitrov Sensei pointed out that the things that would be trained would be well suited for the group – since this was something one was wondering about.

This way of learning provides a good atmosphere and not least an active group of seminar or camp. And little by little more questions came up, and the camp developed. Every training session was ended with sparring, and one could see that people really tried to pick up the new learning right away. –and that it’s a good sign!

Danish group with high standard and good spirit, and showed that many young talents are working hard. And this was the first time in Norway for the most of them. In the lead for the Danish group Shihan Jan Bülow. Shihan Bülow together with Sensei Tim Marcher showed strong spirit and their contribution to the camp was very good. Sweden was represented with several Dojo`s, and as last year this raises the level of the camp, and many had traveled long distance to join the camp.

Norway was of course also represented, from north to south, east to the vest. It is very nice to see how the camp grows, and how this inspires people who do not compete in tournaments to join. The social is central to the camp. Not only central but it is actually the key to how a camp becomes successful!

Last training was held Sunday morning. Some of the participants went home Saturday evening, but several stayed to get the last training for this year camp. Through the entire camp one question did come up over and over again… will it be a camp in 2014?!

Osu – and a big thanks to:

Horten karate club with Sempai Bård in front did a great job with the organizing of this year camp.


Sensei Sjur Vestlie the main organizer for NKO Shinkyokushin Norway, pulling the right strings to make this event a memorable camp.

Valeri Dimitrov Sensei. Thank you for being who you are and visiting Norway. As a motivator and a true friend.


Sempai Steffen

..more photos soon…