Kick off Region Sør – Egersund.

Lørdag 24. August arrangerte Egersund Karate kyokushinkai et åpent (for alle) fight seminar i Espelandhallen. Tema var som nevnt fight, og dette ble fordelt på tre økter utover dagen. Etter endt dag var det et 40 talls utøvere som hadde sett sitt snitt til å få med seg denne eventen, som ble en fin start på sessongen for mange!

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NKO Kick off – Reg Øst

Lørdag 24. August var det klart for et lite Kick off i regi Region øst. teknisk ansvarlig var Oslo Shinkyokushin, Ringerikes “filial” i Oslo. Sted var i lokalene til Oslo Karateklubb på kampen, hvor Oslo Shinkyokushin trener ukentlig, og vokser i omfang. Samlingen var lavterskel med formål å “dyppe tåa” litt i de forskjellige elementer man har i karaten. Oppmøtet var tett på 40 stykker, som er bra på en solskinnsdag..

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NKO på Kickoff i Sverige

Helgen 17-18 August deltok Horten Karateklubb, Arendal Karateklubb, Oslo Shin og Ringerike Karateklubb på Kickoff i Sverige. Her var man så heldig å bli bedt inn til det svenske landslagets kickoff – regi landslagstrener Sverige, Magnus Hanssen, sted Keiko, Göteborg. Med andre ord blir man koblet opp til et nivå som er kjent for å kunne håntere topp Europeisk nivå. Her ble det kjørt et tilpasset opplegg lørdag og søndag morgen. Siste økt for helgen, var regionsquad for seniors. Et samarbeid mellom 5 klubber i Göteborg omerådet ,ble avholdt på Göteborg Karate Kai, Shihan Howard Collins Dojo. På disse økter er tema kamp og litt fys trening ble det også plass til.

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Champion versus Champion

We continue to look at the previous World Champions – as an “warm up” to the upcoming 12th World Open Karate Championship this Autumn in Japan. A World Championship that will be the main event this year in the full contact Karate World. We pick up the champions, and time we will give you some videos from when these champions met each other in different tournaments..

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World Championships finals – Women Division

We continue to look at the World Championships finals, and we are picking up the women division. With the European selections tournaments still going in replay in our heads, there are no doubt that the level in total has been lifted up significant higher. But looking at the previous finals – there are no doubt that the level has been high for many years – but what we believe, is that not only top 4 are good – but you must be really good to reach top 8! And reaching the top eight, it won’t be easy either. We’v said it before, it’s time to expand the women division into competitors from all nations, not only select from the regions. Video time…!

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Batumi Open-Caucasus Cup 2019

Caucasus Cup – Georgia,

From from previous editions known to be a very hard and tough tournament. And it would surprise us if this edition came out in a another direction. The International Tournament “Batumi Open-Caucasus Cup 2019 will be held the weekend 28-31st September. (Tournament day 29th) This may not be the most promoted tournament, but taking in consideration the countries that attend previous years Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Ukraine gives us an idea about the level…

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The first international Shinkyokushin-Camp – Turkey 2019

Former star-fighter and vice-world champion Muzaffer Bacak Sensei, we hold seminar in Turkey this September. The reason is worth noting: Muzaffer Bacak Sensei will take on the task of starting a new Branch / Dojo in Turkey. This on the recommendation of WKO’s President Midori. Official information from WKO Shinkyokushinkai website: Muzaffer Bacak 4th Dan, the finalist of the 7th World Open Karate Championship, will hold the 1st Shinkyokushin Camp in Bursa, Turkey on September 6-8, 2019. Documents, info and guidelines – and a video from previous seminars…

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WFKO – Road to Japan 2020

As we all know the World Fullcontact Karate Organization will host the first World Championship in Japan next year. The WFKO has systematic grown in the wake of JFKO, which has long been well established. This spring we watched the 5th JFKO All Japan Open tournament – and could confirm top level, top support. The 1st European Fullcontact Karate Championship will as we know be a selection tournament to Japan 2020. But before this, there are also a similar tournament to be held in France 19-21 September. At last we are going into a new phase – and there is a lot of questions regarding to this settings..

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Norwegian Summer-camp 2019

4-7th of July the Norwegian Kyokushin Organization (Shinkyokushin Norway) organized their annual summer-camp. The camp are being held every other year in Eastern Norway and in the west. This time it was on the west coast of Moi, close to Egersund town. NKO has been blessed with WKO’s top instructors for many years, and this time instructors from Poland was on the poster, and this was the first time instructors from Poland was attending at the Norwegian camp. Continue reading