NKO hadde et solid lag på plass under året Stora Höga Open, som avholdes i Sverige hvert år. Turneringen er midt i blinken for nivå og utbytte med tanke på det man trenger i Norge. Med rett i underkant av 200 påmelde utøvere, og med et kampsystem som kombinerer cup og pool, er utbytte mildt sagt stort! De norske utøverene gikk 3 og fire kamper hver(!) Gg i tillegg til dette vanket det også forlengelser i kampene. Dvs at her fikk man mer kamptid på en dag, enn hva man gjør på et år i Norge. Stevnet er ypperlig som et ungdom/rekrutt stevne, men her tilbud for senior også, både i semi og fullkontakt. Bilder fra Færder web Continue reading
Tag Archives: shinkyokushin
WKO Kagami Biraki – New Year Training 2018
The annual New Year’s training is completed. The training was led by WKO Shinkyokushinkai its own president, Midori Kenji Shihan 8.Dan. During the training top Shinkyokushinkai Karatekas preformed demonstration at top level with Kata and Kumite. Midori Kenji Shihan led the Hihon session before a Kumite demonstration by World Champion Yuji Shimamoto and vice World Champion Kembu Iriki.
Women Finals of the year 2017 – Inspirations..
As in the previous article we will look at some of the finals held in 2017. This time it is directed against women classes and some of the athletes who have been prominent there. As in the men’s division, unfortunately we could not get as many we wish. World Championships, European Championships, Open tournaments – it`s all there!
Finals of the year 2017 – Inspirations..
Once again a very active year has been completed, and World Tournaments, European tournaments, open`s have been organized, and held all over the world. It is sad to confess that one can not see every tournament!! Some many skilled athletes and competitors with unbelievable hard work. We have tried to pick some of the fights that we will give some extra attention..The first session from men`s divisions. And the point is to pick fight from around the world and tournaments, mostly the biggest one.
Diamond Cup 2018 – shaping up!
Early highlights in 2018: The Diamond Cup, will be held 24th Feb. The tournament have been a strong tournament with top European fighters, Russia and Kazakhstan – top of that: Japan. The question would be naturally to raise, especially with Many World Tournaments this years: can the Diamond Cup attract star fighters also this time?
Black Sea Open Cup 2018
3rd KWU World Championship – “It`s time to get excited”
The 3rd KWU World Championship is coming up, once again held in Russia. As before the setting is very professional, the hype is big and the event is well covered. It is assumed there will be 55 nations, divided among nine men’s classes and six women’s classes. Everything is done for an unforgettable championship…
TBST Summer camp 2018
TBST Tomasz Basiak Shinkyokushinkai Team, keep great events coming. In a short time the will organize a seminar with Shihan Kumiko Sunakawa 5th Dan, 6th and 7th January 2018. This is like what was being done last year, with an seminar held by Emi Shoguchi, World Champion,Japan.
The next one up on the schedule: summer camp 24th – 26th August 2018 with Kensaku Yamamoto Shihan and Emi Shoguchi Sensei! We will give you some videos to getting “warmed up” !
Edgard Sečinski, Lithuania
Edgard Sečinski, Lithuania.
One of the profiles from the Lithuanian national team, and one of the best fighter in the light heavyweight in Europe. With accurate punching and lethal high knees, Sečinski will always be a challenge to face. 7th place in the World Championship 2015 and top 16 in 2019 3rd in The 1st International Fullcontact Karate Championship WFKO 2018. Multiply EC Shin Champion and World Champion KWU 2017