Swiss Summer camp 2013

Switzerland is an incredibly beautiful country with a landscape that is breathtaking. This put a special setting for this year’s summer camp organized by the Swiss association Shinkyokushin. The camp had attracted athletes from different countries, Romania, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway and Japan were in place.

Photos from René Gerber-Röösli

With strong instructors at this year’s camp was quality assured. And even if there was a change and a disappointment for several that Sensei Margarita Ciuplyte not arrived, it was well covered. From Japan Shinichi Sotodate Shihan, Shihan Koen from Belgium Spitaels, from Lithuania Sensei Paulius  Klapatauskas, from Switzerland Shihan Steinmann  and Sensei Andi Gabler.

The camp covered all needs, and there was a general focus on technique and having fun in training. Anyone who exercise a lot and hard know how much it helps to focus on these two elements. Basic, Kata, Kumite, and physical training went hand in hand through the camp. And not to forget the incredible good atmosphere!


It must be said that Lithuania’s participation did much. Everyone knows their level, and when they enter summer camp with a whole bus of athletes you just have to be with the flow! There were also several elite fighters there, and with Inga Mikstaite Sensei and Sensei Vytautas Kalvaitis which among others fought in this year’s World Cup etc. Kumite was on top level.

During this year’s camp was also grading. Here Sensei Inga Mikstaite graduated to rank of 3rd Dan.

<– Kumite test.

Several other graded also on this year’s camp, led by Shihan `s Steinmann and Sotodate.


As said, it was a good instructor composite panel led this year’s camp. Shihan Sotodate with Basics and Kata with variation and deepening of all levels. Shihan Spitaels with very encouraging instructing, and good education for lifting the spirit and development. Sensei Paulius Klapatauskas with his expertise in Kumite. Steinmann Shihan and Sensei Gabler technical all-round touches of Kumite, and Kata Basic.