Swedish Open – women`s divisions

14424742_1046902918740185_2657619257454809475_oSwedish Open had this year two good categories with fighters from Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and of course Sweden. Sweden made a strong statement last Swedish Open by winning both of the women`s divisions. But what about this year? Both categories had more fighter than last time, and some of the profiles have been really successful lately. But even with more fighters, Sweden had fewer this time. And everyone could sense a challenge from the Eastern European countries: Lithuania and Poland..

Note: All pictures are taken by Official Swedish Kyokushin photography by Annika Peterson and Conny Myrberg. The official site: LINK

Swedish Open had some drop outs and some fighters was added in the last minute this year, but it was clearly at a early point that the women`s divisions would be two good categories. The heavy weight doubled the number of fighters from last time – well due a cancellation last minute it was 7 (not 8) as in 2014 had 4. Lithuania, Denmark and Sweden with their top fighters – ready for U-22/ Open weight EC Switzerland and Norway with less experienced fighters – but gaining valuable lessons and experience.

Danish champion Caroline Alexa, faced Norwegian debutante Mia Finnestrand, in the first fight. Caroline Alexa with very good kicking skills, combined with good movement would be a challenge for anyone. Pressure from the Norwegian fighter did close down some of technical possibilities of Alexa – for a while. A nicely timed knee to the head ended the fight and Danish advance. Next fight for Caroline Alexa was against the reign Swedish Open Champion Sara Hägge, Sweden. Hägge took her first fight on decision against Norwegian Marleen Gregusson. A technical even fight, but Hägge looking more sharp, and Gregusson looked a little less powerful than usual.
14425431_1047039008726576_7858578360932257577_o⇐Hägge vs Alexa was a very hard long fight. Long time before the winner was called out, could everyone see that the one who would advance – would certainly be marked. From the start Hägge keep the pressure up, rapid combinations against a movable Alexa. The Danish fighter counters with various punches and kicks. This is the pattern more and less, and when the distance make it possible, Alexa have some good headkick attempt.The intensity raises the last 30 seconds, Hägge`s finish seems maybe a hair stronger:  3 minutes – 2 flags for Hägge 3 flags draw. 1st extension starts a little more laid-back – before they shoot off again. Punches and lowkicks was on the menu, and the pressure are as it was in the ordinary round. Same result:  2 flags for Hägge 3 flags draw. 2nd extension Alexa starts with some head kick attempts, one of them slips of Hägge`s face,as she moves with it. Punches and lowkicks all over, Hägge adds some kicks to the mid section – Alexa answers with knees.  1 flags for Hägge 4 flags draw. No weight difference, and another round to come…last round, and there are “no tomorrow” both fighters kills them self to get the victory, and from start to end it is one lang exchange of punches, kicks and knees. The victory goes to Sara Hägge, Sweden.

Being double U-22 European Champion and more, Brigita Gustaityte, Lithuania was the heavy favorite. First fight against Norwegian Therese Netland Østerbrød. Østebrød wisely took the movable role focusing on defense. Gustaityte in control, keeping a moderate pressure on – but also saving the bust to an other accession. Winner Gustaityte. Fight two for the Lithuanian fighter was against Swiss Champion Angela Felber. This fight Brigita Gustaityte turns up the heat. Felber seems strong, but mostly uses one technique at the time and moves around. Gustaityte follows and focus on the mid section with one-two punches and heavy knees. 3 minutes 2 flags for Brigita Gustaityte 3 for draw. 1st extension, Felber trying to keep Gustaityte away with strait punches, as the Lithuanian fighter comes forward. This is the pattern until Gustaityte changes gear, and overpower Felber the last session of the fight. 5-0 to Brigita Gustaityte.

brigita-gustaityte-ir-jevgenijus-jurutas-72419854The final in the heavyweight Brigita Gustaityte vs Sara Hägge. Fights starts and both fighters gets right down to business. Gustaityte appear even more tense than the fight before, and pushes Hägge back with heavy knees and front kicks. The fight are mainly in close distance, and many punches from each fighter find it target. Again, the Lithuanian fighter seems to get the better of it. But as everyone thinks so, Hägge does a “death roll” are this one is dangerously close! This was the big chance Hägge gets, Gustaityte turns up the pace and power out the round and she is all over with punches and kicks. Hägge can not answer, and of course the previous fight has taken so much energy. Hägge later given special award for her great efforts. Swedish Open champion heavy weigh women ⇑Brigita Gustaityte, Lithuania. (with colleague Jevgenijus Jurutas)

Women lightweigh -65 kg 

In this category 14 fighters was in the line up fight day. Poland, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden. After first round these advanced: Aistė Tatarūnaitė, Lithuania W.O. Helen Boutellier, Switzerland defeats Norwegian debutante Maren Jonassen. One of the favorite Marta Lubos, Poland, defeats a good Stine Haugsdal, Norway. Elvedina Kljajic, Sweden defeats Sina Burri, Switzerland with strong lowkicks and pressure. Sanne Larsson, Sweden defeats Simone Muntwyler, Switzerland by brutal lowkicks k.o. Technical Magdalena Gustaityte, Lithuania, defeats Beathe Hegerland, Norway. The last 1st round fight was Mette-Marie Nielsen, Sweden victorious against a spirit-full international debutante Cecilie Trier, Denmark.

2nd round Helen Boutellier defeats Aistė Tatarūnaitė on warning. The decision was a little forth and back, as scoring by a head kick was given by some of the judges at first – then converted to warning.

Marta Lubos takes her second victory, defeating Elvedina Kljajic, in a good fight that many tough would go to an extra round – it almost did 3 flags against two draw was the results. Lubos`s secured the win with a little higher pace and frequency.

14424896_1046903555406788_6356016768928800399_o⇐Sanne Larsson (left) 2nd fight against Norwegian Jeanette Johannessen. Larsson eating her way with heavy lowkicks, but Johannessen toughness makes the fight go the distance. The fight is hard, and constant filled with strikes and kicks, both with a little similar style, and in the last part of the fight Larsson also adds high punching, which are hard to resist.

Magdalena Gustaityte looses her 2nd fight against Mette-Marie Nielsen in a very unfortunate way. Getting a warning at 3:00 makes the decision, after a very entertaining fight, with two different styles. Nielsen moving, and counter fighting well, Gustaityte with the drive and pressure through the fight combined with various techniques.

Top 4, and first fight Lubos vs Boutellier. Lubos the one in the lead, more technical and various in her attacks. Boutellier fighting more “in and out style”. Lubos getting the best of the exchanges. 3 minutes goes by, and an extra round is the decision. In the ordinary round, Boutellier turned away several times due to high punches, warning was given, and in the extra round Lubos answered to this with knocking Boutellier out two times to the mid section with good punches. Ready for the final- Marta Lubos, Poland.

14468673_1046903575406786_6488217487846044182_oSanne Larsson facing Mette-Marie Nielsen in the 2nd semi final. The fights starts in a good pace, Larsson stalking down Nielsen – as she on her side moves and fights back good. Both struggling to get the fight in their own chosen distance. Larsson also execute a nice attempt doing a “death roll”  Fight goes on an Larsson starts to get through with high punches, just so high that it pass. -until eager(?) to follow up, some are landing to high. Larsson gets a warning. Unfortunately the same thing happens again, and this time the impact is bigger. Warning that counts… (Genten) Now Larsson unleashes everything, and some good headkick attempt are some of it — Nielsen shows her skills in defense, and are tight, cover up as she fights back. Time! Ready for final Mette-Marie Nielsen..

14409849_1046903688740108_5853718033692143629_oThis is (of course) two good fighters. Mette-Marie Nielsen moving around, working with circular motions,  Marta Lubos counter the movements and working inside lowkicks and short punches to the stomach. A strong inside legkick from Nielsen takes Lubos out of balance, up and into the fight before referee can say “stop”  this woke Lubos up, and the payback is a fact. Lubos keeping the pressure one, rapid striking combinations that are hard to follow for Nielsen. Nielsen, moves good, and counter with strait techniques. More and more of Lubo`s strikes find their way, and the inside leg kick are eating away Nielsen`s legpower. Last second Nielsen can not fight hard enough back, and the judges sees Marta Lubos, Swedish Open Champion 2016!