Swedish Open report!

14424742_1046902918740185_2657619257454809475_oThe 6th Swedish Open is history, and it gave us many memorable moments. Once again the Swedish organization pulled off a great event in all ways. Fighters and coaches are been taken really good care of, and can focus on the main task – fighting at the best level one can do. Swedish Open is a tournament that also give many a standard to see up to. The fighters of this years tournament are mainly from Sweden, Denmark and Norway – with some excellent visitors from the Eastern Europe: Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. We will take a look how it was on the tatami at the 6th Swedish Open..  Photo info⇒

Note: All pictures are taken by Official Swedish Kyokushin photography by Annika Peterson and Conny Myrberg. The official site: LINK

If we look two years back, the tournament has been going through some changes regarding to who we find in the line up. Sweden Wko are producing new fighters that are highly skilled, and we can see that young fighters entering the senior division are capable to make a difference. Denmark Wko has some of the same, technically polished performers – but possibly to a lesser number than Sweden. Norway do not have the top level as Denmark and Sweden, but the interest to do something about it seems to on line. Switzerland had a big team this year, a mix of established and up and coming fighters. Sweden and Denmark was also represented with many organizations.

Poland and Lithuania has very strong fighters, and it will always be a factor at the top level. Latvia maybe less known, but Josui Karate Latvia with their two fighters did a really good impression.

Men heavyweight in Swedish are above 80 kg. This brings 14424734_1046903472073463_7218345163629456998_ous a relativity wide weight category, and 30 kilos between fighters will not be rare. First round brought the profiled fighters a step further, and in a division that was changing in to the last days, we saw Wolny, Allan, Johansson, Bjerrekær and Pålsson advance convincing, Pålsson entering the tournament only two days before actually tournament day.


Second round brought Faddy Allan and Simon Pålsson up against each other⇑. In a action paced fight, Pålsson manage to get a waza-ari early – all though, it was discussion if it was a low blow or not. The fight had great pace and the two different style was battled up against each other. Allan great movement and always dangerous with kicks, Pålsson heavy punching and strong pressure. Time vent out and Pålsson advances.

14435403_1047291715367972_3791488508845273605_oMarek Wolny combinations with strikes and knees bring Swedish debutante Fabian Wåhlin down, after a respectable effort from Wåhlin. Wolny being one of the favorite, did not disappoint, scoring in his first fight also against Bartosz Iwaszko, Sweden with a “death roll”

Fredrik Johansson, one of the other Swedish profiles in the heavyweight, advances on the other side of the draw with a w.o. in the first fight.. Stopping young Polish fighter Mateusz Ostrowski, with low kicks after a short fight. Ostrowski won his first fight against Norwegian fighter Leif Erling Svendsen, but this was a long fight and the legs for sure had all ready taken some damage.

Julian Bjerrekær, Danish fighter with his heavyweight debut. Known for stylish clean fight style – technical as few.. facing Adil Maksimov in his first fight, and this is two very skilled fighters. Adil Maksimov starting to pressure Julian Bjerrekær with heavy punches to the stomach and liver. No doubt that Bjerrekær have a big challenge, as he being driven out of the tatami several times. But when Maksimov go for a back kick, Bjerrekær moves on safe ground and counter with a sharp, precise head-kick! A textbook move and knock out victory to Denmark. Fight two being the opposite of fight one, Mohmmed Alnaseri from Sweden Tezuka group. powerful in his techniques, but lack of control. This results in several illegal hits in face and crotch of Danish fighter. Winner Julian Bjerrekær.

14480645_1047039542059856_2291237186390022094_oSwedish powerhouse ⇐Simon Pålsson possesses great strength and drive in his fights, met the best, and anyone who face him will certainly have some skills and toughness. Marek Wolny do have what it takes, and counter Pålsson`s strong attacks with good movement, clever use of angles is In his defense / attack and constant pressuring the stomach of the Swede. But it takes time to break down a fighter as Pålsson, and it takes an extra round to do so. Winner Marek Wolny

Pålsson takes the Tameshiwari award 33 boards:

  • 6 boards seiken
  • 10 boards kakato
  • 9 boards hiji
  • 8 boards Shuto14500615_1047039028726574_4071571852218638956_o

Fredrik Johansson⇒ and Julian Bjerrekær puts up a really good Kyokushin fight. In a fight where the pace is constant high, the two fighters trade punches and kicks for 3 minutes +2 and 2 more  -still a draw. Through the whole fight, they have been given and taking a similar punishment, punches and strong low kicks. Both also connecting with headkicks, but not enough impact to score. The decision goes to Julian Bjerrekær, after Johansson`s fail during the breaking.

14434989_1047039155393228_4078424337204469610_oFinal between ⇐Marek Wolny and Julian Bjerrekær was a great set up. Both with great skills, shown through the tournament. Wolny being the stronger one, and forcing Bjerrekær to be defensive and move back. Constantly with punches and very good knees to the body and legs – and to the face, connect – but to little impact. But the Danish fighter was always in counter, and almost pulls a rabbit out of the hat in the last second with a jumping back kick. Marek Wolny takes the Swedish Open Tittle heavyweight! Julian Bjerrekær given the special price for his excellent performance.

Men middleweight 

Umid Tagaev from Sweden, had a hard day at work facing Michael Meineche from Denmark. The Danish fighter are clearly the best, and take the fight after 3 minutes. But during the process he receive som damage to his legs. Next fight this tread was picked up again by Norwegian fighter Bjørn Erik Orstad, that had W.O. first fight. Orstad ruthless attacking the legs of Meineche, and this results: scoring – and ending the fight before full time.

14379668_1047291565367987_7312272296292942181_oOrstad advances and are ready for the local fighter, runner up in 2014 – ⇐Rasmus Bergström. Bergström with two wins before this, Stefano Campana Sweitzerland and Ernst M. Pedersen, Norway. Both fights taken by scoring.

Orstad is a very strong physical athlete, and there is no simple solution to meet him on the mat to fight. Bergström on his side does also possess great power and stamina. He is also a fighter with great experience, specially considering his young age. The fight is hard, and both tries to establish an advantage. Orstad once again with strong kicks to the legs – combine with attacks to the stomach. Bergström on his side, he is a little more varied in his choice of techniques. this is a good fight. The pace is high and the impact is good, this will add up.. through the fight Orstad continues to keep the pressure – and it seems that the answer to this is small circular motions, followed by attacks by Bergström. It goes to 14434844_1047038965393247_5331925504858755579_oan extra round, maybe we could see signs of a little tiredness from Orstad. 4 flags draw – 1 to Bergström. Next round takes some of the same pattern, and the better movement of Bergström can clearly be seen. Orstad tries to keep the pressure on, but is tired and going forward on pure spirit. After an exchange, Bergström creates a perfect distance and lands a “death roll” that`s end the fight. Sweden advances.

Erik Hägge meets the Norwegian debutant Stian Mossinge in the first round. These two have met before, in lightweight in Kyokushin Open Norway. (2017) In that fight Hägge was to strong, and the same was in Swedish Open. Hägge overpowering the technique of Mossinge, and only the good spirit of the Norwegian helps him through.

14468515_1047291618701315_8793733088759918823_o⇐Hägge faces Jurgis Bulins, Latvia in the next round.The Latvian fighter is a good all round fighter, and attacks with many variations. He do also have good kicking skills that can be a challenge. He`s way of neutralize attacks of Hägge seems to be good, and combined with a often used front kick slows the Swedish fighter down. But Hägge is a warrior, and fight back – in to the extra round. the fight is on, and when the decision comes it turn out to be a kick that landed wrong. Hägge left middle kick gives Bulins a scoring. Clearly in big pain the Swedish fighter continues to fight out the fight – but the winner Jurgis Bulins, Latvia. He meets Swiss fighter Benjamin Karasek..

Karasek with two fights in his legs, have shown good skills. A tough and long fight against Polish Artur Dymarczyk in th eopening round, and a more convincing victory against Murtadh Alobaidi in the second. Jurgis Bulins breaks the Swiss fighter down with multiple attacks to the body. Several front and back kicks are constantly hitting, and the Latvian fighter controls the fight out. Winner after 3 minutes Jurgis Bulins, Latvia.

The final middleweight Jurgis Bulins, Latvia vs Rasmus Bergström, Sweden. This set up, it fair to say that Rasmus Bergström goes to a less harder fight than the previous, Jurgius Bulins going to a harder one… Bergström`s attacks to the body tear Bulins down, and it clearly seen that the power in his kicks are fading away. Rasmus Bergström showed in this tournament more calmness an strategy than we have seen before, especially the fight against Orstad that it was important to use energy right – and timed the moment right for trying to end the fight.

Men llightweight

In this category several strong fighters was in the line up, and the merits of them was very good. Moving in to the top four, three Swedish fighters and one Lithuanian are left.
14380139_1047291438701333_4126944980880023441_oBeing the reigning champion and heavy favorite, Ziyafatalla (Milad) Samizade, Sweden, stood up to the expectations. W.O. in the first round, faces⇐Ali Hayder, Sweden in the 2nd. Hayder tearing down Kian Jennsen, Denmark in his first fight. Milad vs Hayder becomes a very technical fight. These two master a technical registry beyond the ordinary, combined with very high pace and with strong basic techniques. Draw after first round. The 2nd round becomes more chopped up, during breaks for pushing, illegal hits. 3rd round, 2nd extension, the fighters brings it down to basic techniques. Still draw – After weighing it also states equally,new round. In this round, Ziyafatalla (Milad) Samizade manage to raise the pace even higher, and now Hayder can not follow. Winner Milad

Jevgenij Jurut, Lithuania, fought a long 3+2+2 minutes first fight against a very competent Alen Kifah Wadia, Sweden. Overpowering promising Swedish (debutante?) Robert Strandberg. Strandberg noted with under 60 kg weight. Jevgenij Jurut 3rd fight against  Ziyafatalla (Milad) Samizade. After about a minute the fight is over. Samizade scoring with legkicks, finding inside leg of Jevgenij Jurut. Half point given, but the Lithuanian fighter say stop and withdraw from the tournament without getting more damage.

14368799_1046903852073425_2961117242019912150_n⇐Christoffer Sjölund, Sweden, first figh being one number to big for the Norwegian Hans Kristian Havreberg. Havreberg on his side showing nice technical base, being a little on his heels when Sjölund putting on the pressure, as Sjölund is stronger in his stands with a good low base. Second fight for Sjölund against Florian Stahel, Switzerland. Sjölund the winner after 3 minutes. Sjölund 3rd fight vs  Stefan Chervenkov,Sweden.  Chervenkov used only second to knock out Danish Karl Johan Øster Kristensen, from Denmark Karate Jutsu Viborg, with a perfect back kick to the liver.

⇑Sjölund vs Chervenkov starts of with a high pace good fighting from both fighter. They seems even, and people follow closely the fight, because all know that at this level the victory can come when you blink. And that happens, Chervenkov takes his opponent down with a perfect scoring to the liver by punch. Sjölund can not recover, and raises his thumb to Chervenkov “you got me, well done”  class act.

Final light weight  Ziyafatalla (Milad) Samizade vs Stefan Chervenkov. This fight is similar to the last fight of Stefan Chervenkov, unfortunately for his part the roles are switched. Samizade ends the fight and takes the tittle with a liver punch – being one of his specialties.

Swedish Open keeps a high standard all over, and everything has been taken care of in the best way. The tone between fighters, coaches and so is remarkably very good, and this lift its even more – if possible!
