Suzuki Kunihiro Sensei – happy birthday!

March 17th, 1970 Kunihiro Suzuki Sensei was born. Few if any can be compared with Suzuki Sensei and what he has achieved. A Karateka and a true role model for those seeking Budo road.

Congratulations to Suzuki Sensei with his birthday today!



In today’s demanding world, we need role models and good models to look up to. WKO Shinkyokushin stands for this in the name of Karate. Especially the younger ones grow up, have to be guided in the right direction, and this is the older generation’s responsibility.
Suzuki Sensei’s merits are well known all over the world, and without a right attitude can this affect a person.


But it is not only the youngest who need role models. Also those who are older adults need to have someone who inspires us, motivates us when days are heavy and lifts us up when we are down. As mentioned, we are fortunate to have many inside in Karate community that can do this. Suzuki Sensei with his long career means a lot to many. And as we know that he is highly relevant as a Japanese members for this year’s World Cup – then we find inspiration-once again!



Thanks for the inspiration and motivation, and happy birthday Suzuki Sensei!



Sempai S.Haukedalen

Suzuki Kunihiro Sensei FB

Norwegian Summer camp 2012