Shinkyokushin Poland – strong results 41.Polish Championship

Shinkyokushin Poland – strong results 41.Polish Championship. Sunday, April 6 in Katowice took place XLI Polish Senior Championships Kyokushin Karate. The competition was attended by 125 athletes from 54 clubs affiliated to the Polish Association of Karate. Championship had a very good cast, participants emphasized the high level of fights taking place. results and video..




The competition ended with a great success of clubs affiliated to the Polish Karate Federation Shinkyokushinkai. Fighters of PFKS won the 8 to 9 weight categories for men and women. Senior Polish champions were: Dobrosława Habraszka, Agata Kaliciak, Konrad Kozubowski, Mateusz Garbacz, Igor Lamot, Gerard Will, Marek Wolny and Maciej Mazur. 

Best fighter men : Marek Wolny

Best fighter women : Agnieszka Winek



Results :