Shihan Collins to Norway

shihan_collins1-215x300«We will train our hearts and bodies for a firm, unshaking spirit”

Shihans Howard Collins 8th Dan will once again visit Fana Karateclub, Bergen, Norway! The seminar will be held 14th and 15th of October 2016, at Kokstadflaten 30.

Two times a years Shihan Collins visit Fana Karateclub and share his unique knowledge of kyokushinkai Karate. The seminar will have focus on basic, Kata and Bunkai.

Tradisjon tro gjester Shihan Howard Collins 8.Dan Fana Karateklubb 14 og 15. oktober for trenigsseminar. Unik kompetanse er å finne hos Shihan Collins, og som alltid er det mye å hente for de som stiller opp.

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