Russian Championship Shinkyokushin

2014RussiaChampionshipThe VII Russian Championship Shinkyokushinkai . 1st December  – who will represent Russia in The 11th World Open Championship 2015?

Russia is one of the most powerful nations in the world when it comes to Shinkyokushin. They have always had strong fighters among the international elite. Fighters as Viktor Karasyuk, Maxim Shevchenko, Vasiliy Khudiakov, Denis Grigoriev, Andrey Materov (R.I.P) Nazar Nasirov and Roman Nesterenkoare some of the well known names from the Russian national team over the years. Also from the womens divisions Russian fighters have been successful.

russisk_flagg - KopiWho will represent Russia, the time will show ..

The tournament will also have some special guest from Japan, with WKO president Midori Kenji Shihan in the lead.

All Russian Championship 2012 heavy weight final ↓

All Russian Championship 2012 women light weight final