Results European Championship 2015

EC2015This year EC is history, and the results are ready. Many several interesting results is to see in this tournament, and some that is as we are used to see .. middleweight med, to world champions ended at third place! Valeri Dimitrov – once again:  “EC champion of the world”Marius Ilas-what to say: “intelligent madness” how do you face it? 🙂

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LIVE EC 2015 Seniors – today

The European Championships program – Seniors – 18.04.2015 Click poster for LIVE

  • EC201510.00–10.20 – Official opening ceremony
  • 10.30–12.45 – Eliminations
  • 13.00–13.30 – Presentation of quarter-finalists
  • Official part: speeches
  • 13.30–15.30 – Quarter-finals and karate demo shows
  • 15.30–17.10 – Semi-finals and karate demo shows
  • 17.10–18.30 – Finals and karate demonstration shows
  • 18.30–19.30 – Medal award ceremony

European Championship 2015

It is only some small hours before this years senior European Championship will take place in Poland. Day one with Kata and Juniors (15-17) fighting are history, and all are waiting for the big day. That said, no one has forgot day one with strong young fighters an Karatekas doing every one proud!Marek_Wolny_1 – Kopi

In the senior category this year, some of the well known profiles has change their weight class, and some “new” high ranked fighters are to find in the line up, with a strong record from other championships and organizations. And of course – the Polish team fighting on home soil. Are you ready for European championship 2015?

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Shinkyokushin Russia in the EC

russisk_flagg-Kopi1In the various organizations there are small differences in relation to sections of regions and continents. For many in Europe there is variation when it comes to Russia, Kazakhstan and others. Some have these countries in the European organization, and some do not. In Shinkyokushin EKO, are Russia and Kazakhstan outside the European region, and does not participate in the European championship. But there will be European Championship anyhow for the Russian Shinkyokushin fighters ..!

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Påskeleir i Sverige 2015 – Fana karateklubb

SKKSveriges påskeleir i Östersund feiret i 2014 30 års jubileum, og dette setter ting i perpektiv! Det er heller ingen hvem som helst som står i ledersjiktet for denne tradisjonelle leir. Howard Collins Shihan 7.Dan, Michael Söderkvist 6.Dan og Naser Ghanbari Shihan 5.Dan. Leiren ble avholdt 3-5 April 2015, og huset rundt 80 deltagere fra Danmark, Finland, Norge, Litauen og hele Sverige – naturligvis..

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Kyokushin Nordic Challenge 2015

Nordiclogga-mindre – Kopi – KopiLørdag 30.mai 2015 er det klart for Kyokushin Nordic Challenge i Sverige, Göteborg. Dette er en turnering som i første steg er ment for novice eller nybegynnere innen fullkontakt Karate. De som er nyskjerrige på å prøve, eller vil skaffe seg erfarenhet uten å stille opp i store turneringer. Man kan ha maks 4 turneringer om man skal delta, og kan kan ikke ha høyere grad enn 1.kyu, men det finnes også tilbud til de med erfaring!



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