Unique old video clip of Oyama Sosai, Shichinohe, Korusava, Midori, Matsui, Ogasawara!

Sosai_Masutatsu_OyamaFirst of all: we are all very grateful that these unique clips being uploaded on youtube and shared with all who practice Kyokushin karate and all others who have an interest in it. Big thanks and Osu to kyokushin karate.

It is also difficult for us to understand how much work these people have done in the name of Karate, promotee this out to others, spreading Kyokushin around the world. And how many have not these people motivated to practice and live by Kyokushinkai its life.


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Region Øst – høst 2015!

cropped-nko-web2 – KopiSommeren er over og det er for mange å finne frem til treningsrutinene igjen. Når det er sagt så er det også mange i regionen som har holdt trykket vesentlig oppe! Som alltid er det nok av eventer på kalenderen alt – og det er jo også slik at det ikke akkurat blir færre som dukker opp utover høsten! Vi tar en titt på kalenderen i Region Øst..

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Agata Kaliciak, Poland

Agata2015Agata Winiarska (Kaliciak), Poland.

Among the best female fighters in the heavyweight category in Europe. Good all round fighting style with strong punching and punishing Mae geri`s,has been some of the skills that has brought the Polish fighter on the EC podium several times. 2.place EC in 2013,14 and 3rd place 2015. Open weight EC 3rd place 2014. 3rd in the EC 2016/18 and European Champion KWU 2016! World Champion IFK and KWU 2017 runner up in 2019! Captured the top spot EC Shin 2019, 2nd in 2021.

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Kunihiro Suzuki – Lithuanian Summer-camp 2015

suzuki_2015camplitThe Lithuanian summer-camp is one of the, if not the biggest camp we have. Sections out in three weeks, almost a 1000 participants join this camp each year! And this year it has been a 1000 reasons to attend, ←Suzuki Kunihiro Sensei the main instructor for this years camp! That said, we do not forget that Lithuania also bring their very best instructors..!

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Mixed Russian team ready for KWU World Championship

1424112167_afisha – KopiFor a while ago the Japanese team as presented, and that with great interests. Now the Russian team are ready, and the interest is not any less for this team! We all know that Russia is one of the greatest Kyokushin nation, and they will make a mark where ever the chose to participate. We also think that IF the tournament would have more fighters from each county – Russia could make several “top teams” However the team is ready, a strong mix of the Russian top fighters from various organizations.

Russia could make several “top teams”


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Danish Open 2015

DansiholdSaturday 5th of September, it is once again time for the Danish Open. This is no less than a 25-year anniversary for the the traditional full contact tournament. The tournament has been where several top fighters has entered, specially from the northern Europe and the Eastern Europe. And for many, this could be the last stop before the World Tournament i Japan later this year. The tournament offers 4 divisions for men and 3 for women. And it is worth to notice that it will also be held a +40 years category for men – open weight class.


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Gàbor Ròzsa seminar – video

Once again the K3 Kyokushin Fight Team arranged fight seminar with one of best lightweights in Europe. Five time European Champion Shinkyokushin Gabor Rozsa, Hungary. Gabor Rozsa well known for his outstanding technique and effective style of fighting.

Gàbor Ròzsa, Hungary.


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Salahat Hasanov, Azerbaijan

Salahat Hasanov ,Azerbaijan.

With strong punches, good pressure and stamina to back it up,incredible tough and will always give 100%.  Moving up the weight classes as well moving in to the adult Championships, the result continues to come! At the EC podium 2013,3rd place, and repeats this in front of the home crowd in 2014. European Champion in 2016 – World champion 2017! Runner up EC 2018/2021. Top 16 in 12th World Championship 2019

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