Marathon Camp 2016

MARATON2016-525x742 – KopiWelcome to the Marathon Camp at Gothenburg’s Karate Kai 2016. This year the camp is held on the 26 – 27th of February and is open for Swedish Karate Kyokushinkai/ WKO members.

The camp is an annual tradition and the will be held organized by the Gothenburg Karate Kai, Shihan Howard Collins.

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Norges Cup – Lørenskog 2015 – RESULTATER

2015_nc33Etter et opphold var det et gledelig gjensyn med fullkontaktstevne i Lørenskog hallen, Lørenskog. Stevnet var av Norges Cup format, som vil si junior, senior, fullkontakt og fullkontakt med begrensninger. Stevnet trakk til seg ca påmeldinger i Kata og kamp, som må sies å være bra. Ekstra stas var for mange at man fikk Svenskt besøk, som krydrer det lille miljøet i Norge.

I den rene fullkontakten var det lettveken hadde flest utøvere – herre såvel som dameklassen.

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12th German Wintercamp 2016

Shihan_CollinsThe German Winter-camp are well known, and specially when it comes to high ranked instructors. Well it is happening again! The main instructor for the German Winter camp is Shihan Howard Collins 8th dan Sweden.

Date for next year camp 11-13 March, 2016

Lambach, Bayern, Germany

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U22 / U16 European Championship – shaping up!

U22_2015dTwo weeks from now the U22 / U16 European Championship will be held. The line up are looking good, that said we still are waiting for the Polish Team to release their athletes. As usually all the strong nations are in, and the tournament will shape the future of the European region..

See the list and teams who are ready for this years  U22 / U16 European Championship..

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Kyokushin profiles honored for their work!

midori-stance.bmpHoward Collins Shihan, Brian Fitkin Shihan and Kenji Midori Shihan. All well known profiles in the world of Kyokushin Karate. All with an unique history with Kyokushin Karate as a way of living. All with the great knowledge of karate, not to mention they have lived with our founder and continues his message and values. Without this knowledge and these people who continue it, would Kyokushin Karate lost much of its origins.

  • Howard Collins Shihan 8.Dan
  • Brian Fitkin Shihan 8.Dan
  • Midori Kenji Shihan 8.Dan

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4 years – did we achieved our goals?

11th_champs_women – Kopi – KopiOne week after the 11th Shinkyokushinkai World Tournament, and we slowly starts to take in all the impressions that we got during one of the largest full contact events one can attend. The tournament as also known to be the last for some of the greatest profiles we have, and in a another direction we also got prominent guest and fighters from the KWU and JFKO. With others words many cases one could talk a great deal about.  But we are going to take a little dive into the tournament – of course!

World Champion Women – Szepesi Csenge HUNGARY

Link to tons of super pictures Sandy Juhasz FB

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Shinkyokushin VM – norske øyne!

2015_VM_TorSå var fire år gått, og det var altså klart for et nytt VM i Japan, Tokyo. Denne fire års syklusen følger den syklus fra når det ble avhold VM for første gang under Sosai Oyama sin tid. At det er fire år i mellom, ala OL gjør også at status for dette VM ligger skyhøyt, noe som er et poeng siden det nå er VM på “hvert et gatehjørne” Norges deltagelse var i år på to mann, og det har blitt jobbet administrativt for å få denne ene tilleggsplassen – mot vår faste ene plass. Det er også slik at her kan man ikke “bli med om man har lyst” her er det lange prossedyrer i forkant om å få med deltagere. Tor Andrè Kvinge /Bergen kk og Kristian Søyland / Egersund var de to som skulle delta for Norge. Og med Russland og Ukraina i møte så..

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