9th French Open 2016

2016French_openThe 9th edition of the Shinkyokushin French Open will be held 2nd and 3rd April 2016.

The French Open have been a strong tournament for last two years, and besides good fighters from central and north Europe, the Eastern Europe has been supported with good nations as Lithuania, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

French Open can offer elite category novice category and “Old Masters”…

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Fight Camp Tromsø 2016

2015-12-30-steffen-leir – KopiTromsø Karateklubb inviterer nok en gang den årlige vinterleir, 29-31/1. 2016. Om man ikke har helt feil data som er dette ikke mindre enn åttende året på rad som Tromsø avholder denne leiren! -Hvor det i all hovedsak er kamptrening som er tema. Kamtrening vil si kamp som fag, og ikke bare for den håndfull som skal konkurrere. Leiren er godt besøkt fra de forskjellige klubbene i nord, og det er heller ikke uvanelig å se utøvere fra sør tar turen!

Alt av info om årets leir finner du på Tromsø kk sin webside, med program osv  (link)

Diamond Cup 2016 – registration

2016_DiamondFrom official website:


Dear Presidents, Country Representatives, WKO Branch Chiefs, National Coaches
Dear Shihan, Sensei, Senpai, Dojo Leaders and Karatekas

On behalf of The Belgian Karate Organisation Shinkyokushin and Niji Yama Dojo, we are very honoured and proud to invite you to the The “Antwerp Fullcontact Diamondcup 2016”

The “Antwerp Fullcontact DIAMONDCUP 2016”  will take place on Saturday, Februari 13thst in the city of Antwerp, Belgium. Visit official website now!




Happy New Year! First of all I want to thank every one who from time to time use some of your free time to visit this web site. During a busy year it has been a reduced up dates on the web. But the main goal is to update with some thing that is relevant stuff to full contact karate. And also try to point out some that not necessarily are those who always gets the most attention, but who deserve it. For it is not only many who deserve attention, but everyone! Finding inspiration in many people around the world, and most of all the people around me.

All he best to all of you!  Osu!

..you win some, you lose some..

379851We will give you some real good fights between some of the best fighters we have…In these clips we will see that fighting the same person, do not mean that you will get the same result. Going up against a competitor for the 2nd, 3rd time and so, it`s not necessarily easier for each time. If you have lost from before, you can struggle with the feeling that that will happen again. And if you did win last time, well then you can feel the pressure that you must win this also. In Budo we train to see beyond these things, we see it all in a larger perspective. So a tournament result are never the last thing we do, or would be remembered for.

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Marius Ilas – finals – videos!


Marius Ilas, one of the finest profiles we in Shinkyokushin and well known among every one practice Kyokushin Karate. Through many years he has been fighting, and many times he has been the one on the top in the different tournaments. We will bring you some videos from finals in different kind of tournaments, here we can see Marius Ilas in EC finales, WC final, Hungarian Open finals, MAX 80 finals – to name a few…!

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Russian Championship – results

russiaRussian Championship weight categories and Kata was held in Novovoronezh, 20th December. Four categories for men, 65 kg, -75 kg, -85 kg and +85 kg. Women division 55 kg and over/below 65 kg. Russian profiles made their impressions, and well known fighters as  Khassay Magomedov, Artem Semenov,  Denis Ershov and more made it to the top.

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NM 2016 Fullkontakt

Sosai-Meditation – Kopi (25)Lørdag 12.Mars 2016 er det klart for Norgesmesterskapet i Karate. Avholdes i Oslo, Hovseterhallen, Hovseterveien 74/76, 0768 Oslo. NM i Karate har de siste år vært tildels ustabilt i nivå og deltagelse, men etter årets NM i 2015 ser man en positiv trend på flere områder. Karate NM avholdes i regi av NKF med Lørenskog kk som ivaretar fullkontakt delen. (←ikke offisiell poster)

NM blir avholdt som vanlig, med tre karate disipliner, hvor fullkontakt karate er en av dem. Det “samlede NM” ble innført i 2010, men i år ligger det an til noen forandringer….!

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Edgard Sečinski, Lithuania

Edgard_SecinskiEdgard Sečinski, Lithuania.

One of the profiles from the Lithuanian national team, and one of the best fighter in the light heavyweight in Europe. With accurate punching and lethal high knees, Sečinski will always be a challenge to face. 7th place in the World Championship 2015 and top 16 in 2019 3rd in The 1st International Fullcontact Karate Championship WFKO 2018. Multiply EC Shin Champion and World Champion KWU 2017

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