Shinkyokushin EC Open Weight 2022 – Wolny breaks trough!

Shinkyokushin Open Weigh EC will always have a high status. The “Open-Weight” includes so many factors that one have to be very competent to be successful. We find the Open-Weight in the World Championship, All japan Open and the EC – as some of the most interesting tournaments to watch – This years winner has been in all of them.

Pictures by Okiem Sportowca / Mateusz Golomb 

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Shinkyokushin EC Open Weight 2022 – top level in a busy year

Shinkyokushin Open Weight EC was held Saturday 3rd December, Poland. Organized in/by Kokoro Cup format – tournament. As one could expect, some fall outs during the last time in towards the tournament was a fact. After a World Championship in September – one could not be surprised. Luckily the mass of fighters and the level are very satisfying!

Pictures by Okiem Sportowca / Mateusz Golomb 

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Marek Wolny, Poland

Open weight champion 2022. In 2013 Wolny entered the EC podium for the first time – 3rd place European Championship in the light heavyweight, and 5th place in The 45th All Japan Open Tournament. Hard-working for many years, several podium places in different organisations, and been representing Poland for many years in the major tournaments. For many being seen as the proof of never giving up spirit in many extremely long and demanding fights. In Poland, known for hard fights in the Polish Championships with top fighters of the world as Maciej Mazur, Patryk Sypień with more.

Photo by one and only Click photo for video-gallery of Marek Wolny

Beklager, dårlig journalistikk

I det opprinnelige EM innlegg la jeg, Steffen Haukedalen, for mye og urettferdig vekt på klasse inndeling, antall og avvikling av dette. Dette satte utøvere i NKKO dårlig lys, og de ble fremstilt feilaktig. Alle utøver skal ha full respekt for deltagelse alltid overalt. Dette var feil og jeg beklager.

Dette gikk spesielt utover to av de beste utøvere vi har hatt på herresiden på kryss av alle organisasjoner den siste tiden: Björn Eirik Orstad og Eivind Nærland.

NKO har ingen ansvar for dette, kun jeg, Steffen haukedalen. 

Innlegget er selvsagt redigert, og med en merknad på dette. intensjonen var å belyse en organisatorisk trend vi ser i verden, noe jeg burde latt være.