European Championship 2016 Shinkyokushin – countdown -55!

2016_EC_haukisposter – women – Kopi (2)With over 300 entries, (adults and Juniors 1998-1999) the European Championship in Georgia will be almost as big as it was last year in Poland. -and that was a remarkably high number of contenders. This will also for many of the profiles be the first international tournament since the World Championship 2015. New weight categories do we also have, and that bring some new set ups among the fighters..

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European Championship 2016 Shinkyokushin – countdown -60!

2016_EC_haukisposter – women – KopiWith over 300 entries, (adults and Juniors 1998-1999) the European Championship in Georgia will be almost as big as it was last year in Poland. -and that was a remarkably high number of contenders. This will also for many of the profiles be the first international tournament since the World Championship 2015. New weight categories do we also have, and that bring some new set ups among the fighters..

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European Championship 2016 Shinkyokushin – countdown +65!

2016_EC_haukisposter – womenWith over 300 entries, (adults and Juniors 1998-1999) the European Championship in Georgia will be almost as big as it was last year in Poland. -and that was a remarkably high number of contenders. This will also for many of the profiles be the first international tournament since the World Championship 2015. New weight categories do we also have, and that bring some new set ups among the fighters..

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French Open 2016 – results

2016French_openFrench Open 2016 was once again a high level tournament. The polish fighters made a strong impression winning the women division with Martha Lubos, and also in the men category with 1st and 2nd place in the +85kg weight, Maciek Mazur (1st) Marek Wolny 2nd. This years tournament had to deal with the tense situation in Europe, which meant that several fighters could not get to the tournament.. Next year it will be the 10th French Open – and as a change it will only be offered elite categories, held in a single day.

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European Championship 2016 Shinkyokushin – countdown -65!

2016_EC_haukisposter – Kopi – KopiWith over 300 entries, (adults and Juniors 1998-1999) the European Championship in Georgia will be almost as big as it was last year in Poland. -and that was a remarkably high number of contenders. This will also for many of the profiles be the first international tournament since the World Championship 2015. New weight categories do we also have, and that bring some new set ups among the fighters..

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NKO Region Øst i “Oki Kodomo Open!”

RKK_OKI2016En av Sveriges største junior turneringer er Oki Kodomo Open. De siste år har Nko region Øst vært “fast inventar” 2016 – inten untak! Tre utøvere fra Ringerike Karateklubb tok turen for å høste erfaring og nye opplevelser. Ingen av de tre er erfarne, og en var til og med debutant. Men Oki Kodomo`s pool gruppe system er et sted å få gjort noe med dette!

Liken Sverige – Norge er også gevinst, så det er man svært interessert i å holde.

På lagleder siden gjør man også noe med kompetansen, og helgen apparat bestod av Ellen Brocker Næss og Marleen Gregusson.

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Fall Camp 2016 Finnsnes, Norway!

Fkk_2016For tredje året på rad arrangerer Finnsnes Karateklubb høstleier. Leiren er strategisk plassert 14 dager før årets NNM, Nord Norskt Mesterskap som avholdes i Vadsø. Leriren vil by på “all round” trening, og er av erfaring godt besøkt. Muligheten for noen oppdateringer er også til stede og ikke minst sosialt samvær!

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European Championship 2016 Shinkyokushin – countdown -75!

2016_EC_haukisposter – KopiWith over 300 entries, (adults and Juniors 1998-1999) the European Championship in Georgia will be almost as big as it was last year in Poland. -and that was a remarkably high number of contenders. This will also for many of the profiles be the first international tournament since the World Championship 2015. New weight categories do we also have, and that bring some new set ups among the fighters..

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Samling Region Øst 14. mai 2016

Reg_østLørdag 14. mai er det tid for en regionsamling i Region Øst. Sted blir Horten (ettersom alt av kapasitet var opptatt i Fredrikstad ift håndball cup) Nå frem mot graderingstider, blir fokus der etter og uansett grad og erfaring er alle vel møtt! (klokkeslett kommer)

Regionen har vært særdeles aktiv på nyåret, med mange turer til utlandet for å løfte kompetansen, og her blir det da en mulighet i å få tilegnet seg ny kunskap samt forsterke sin “gamle”! Instruktører på leiren blir regionens hovedtrenere fra de forskjellige klubbene!

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