Dutch Kyokushin Karate Championships 2016

nk2016The Netherlands has very strong full contact traditions. Not only Full Contact Karate, but also within Thai, kick boxing and more. We all remember the strong Kyokushin profiles came from the Netherlands: Michel Wedel, Peter Smith, Hans Mars, Erik Constancia, John Kleijn to name some..

May 21th, Full contact Karate Organizations united to organize Dutch Kyokushin Championship 2016,where several different organisations joined the tournament . The result of this was a very high level tournament, tough and hard fighting as we know dutch fighters from “back in the days..)

⇐ …Pictures taken by Chimofu.nl see full album HERE 

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2012Branka_memorial-Kopi1The 21th edition of the legendary Branko Bosniak Memorial are set to the calendar, 22. October, 2016 Croatia. Many of the very best fighters we know has been fighting in this tournament..

Memorial tournament was founded in memory on Branko Bošnjak, Croatian solder and member of Mladost Samobor for many years, who lost his life in Homeland war as member of Special Unit Police PU Alfa Zagreb. Memorial is held in Samobor sice 1995. In organisation of Karate Club Mladost Samobor in co-organisation with Special unit police Alfa Zagreb veteran association.

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The 3rd All Japan Full-contact Karate – WINNERS

The 3rd All Japan Full-contact Karate Champions are ready:Yuki_Maeda – Kopi

Winner of each category:

  • Men Lightweight – Takahiro Hosokawa
  • Men Middleweight – Yuki Maeda
  • Men Light heavyweight – Sota Maeda
  • Men Heavyweight –  Kenbu Irki
  • Women lightweight – Yui Kikukawa
  • Women middleweight – Sayaka Kato
  • Women light heawyweight – Chisaki Araki
  • Women heavyweight – Misaki Sato

Yui Kikukawa – Kopi

British Open 2016

british_2016October the 1st – British Open will be held, at the K2 Leisure center, Crawley. The weight categories as we know them: men -70,-80 and +80kg women -60 and +60kg. The tournament attracts fighters from Europe and Russia. The tournament is traditional, and fighters as well a spectators will be ready for a long day at the arena.

This year is promoted as the “40th British Open”, as the first was held in 1976. But as many point out, the tournament was not held in 2005 or in 2007. 2005 the 3rd IFK World Cup replaced it, and in 2007, the arena declared unsafe. That`s mean the upcoming is the 39th..

whether it is so, it is ready for another edition of one of Europe’s oldest tournaments!

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3rd All Japan – LIVE!

3rd_all_japan_JFKOThis weekend the 3rd All Japan Open will be held. The JFKO All Japan Weight Category Tournament replaced the Shinkyokushin All Japan Weight tournament and welcomed other styles and organisation with the aim of gaining full contact Karate a place in the Olympics.

Several of the top fighters of Japan are in the line up, two times winner Kazuya Yamamoto (super heavy weight), Yuki Maeda – also double winner in the middleweight. With about 270 fighters (98 LW, 71 MW, 47 LH and 51 in the HW category) – we in for a long weekend at the arena! FOR LIVE CHANNEL..

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Nordic summer camps 2016

norden_flaggor_150x270Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway can all now offer summer camps! Some of them more worked inn than others, but all of them will give you what a summer camp should have. All of them camps do also have some well merited and known instructors, and it safe to say that the “Nordic region” helps each other in every possible way to spread knowledge and the joy of Kyokushin Karate!

We will take a look at this years camps, links and info to each camp, with instructors, time and place..


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European Championship 2016 Shinkyokushin – countdown -50!

2016_EC_haukisposter – women – lightWith over 300 entries, (adults and Juniors 1998-1999) the European Championship in Georgia will be almost as big as it was last year in Poland. -and that was a remarkably high number of contenders. This will also for many of the profiles be the first international tournament since the World Championship 2015. New weight categories do we also have, and that bring some new set ups among the fighters..

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