Nazar Nazirov, Russia.

Nasirov_Nazar_10thNazar Nazirov, Russia. russianflag

He is clearly a fighter for the future. Although he is young, he has already met several of the world’s best fighters and gone the distance with them. He has all the qualities as a fighter needs. Good technical variety, strength and endurance. And also the ability to set up tactical moves that often ends in knock out. 6th place in the World Championship 2015, and Technical Award.

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Russian Open 2016 – results

nazarovNazar Nasirov – Russian Open Champion!

In a two days tournament with the best Russian fighters, Nazar Nasirov was crowned as the winner of the absolute class. He also took the tameshiwari award.

  1. Nazar Nasirov  (Russia)
  2. Artem Nazaretyan (Russia)
  3. Arthur Tilov (Russian)
  4. Vasily Samadurov (Russia)
  5. Beslaneev Cantemir (Russia)
  6. Ilya Yakovlev (Kazakhstan)
  7. Artyom Lyalikov (Russia)
  8. Yemelyan Bitkash (Russia)…

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Russia Open 2016 – first day

Russia_Open2016Russia Open 2016 – first day (FINALS LIVE 5.JUNE)

First day of Russia Open showed world class level of Kyokushin Full Contact Karate Fighting. In to the final day only two fighters from outside Russia are still to find in the tournament.

Last minutes changes in the “draw” because some of the fighters could not come did not set back the tournament. Across several organizations and countries – top level full contact karate… fighter ready for day 2: read more..

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EC 2017 Denmark!

EC2017poster – KopiA memorable EC in Georgia has just been added to the history books, and the next European Championship Shinkyokushin are to look forward to! Denmark will be the host of the EC 2017, and at the same time celebrate the 50 years anniversary of Kyokushin Karate in Denmark by DKO.


Denmark did also organize the EC in 2005 and in 1999.  Denmark known for good tradition, and in championships as Word Tournaments and European Championship – they are to find at the podium kumite as well as Kata.

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Polish Summer Camp 2016

2016_Polish_camp – KopiThis year’s International Summer Camp Karate Shinkyokushinkay will be held in Kielce in the period 25 – 28 August. The organizers will Kielecki Kyokushin Karate Club and Branch Kszysztofa Borovets.The instructors will Shihan Juan Carlos Escalera of Spain and Sensei Roman Nestrenko from Russia. During the camp there will be examinations for kyu grades and up to 3 dan. The examination committee will consist of Polish BC. In addition, it will be held the European exam for 4 dan, who will carry out

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RM 2016 / Swedish National

RM2016Lørdag 28.Mai var det klart for RM – Riksmesterskapet i Kyokushin Karate. Kungälv var stedet, og det vil si to timer (tre fra Ringerike) fra Oslo med bil retning Göteborg. RM er for de beste i Sverige, og sammen med RM har man SKK Cup, som er for de mindre erfarne. Det var en høy standard på rammen rundt rurneringen, ettersom det var avholdt i Mimers Kulturhus Kungsälv. Nivået på de som kjemet sto i stil med lokalet, meget godt nivå. Med store deler av startfeltet med internasjonale meritter var det klart at dette skulle bli bra, og der var det også noen klare favoritter. De leverte under dagen, noen ganger litt for hardt..!

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Ilya Yakovlev – WFKO fight video

Yakolev_tilovIlya Yakovlev, elite fighter of Kazakhstan taking the Wold Fighting Kyokushin Champion belt fight against Arthur Tilov, Russia. These two fighters has fought before, and in a very even battle home fighter Tilov was named as the winner. 

Who would stand as the winner after five round of fighting?

IFK Based WFKO are trying to take Kyokushin fighting in to a professional setting, as we know from styles as boxing, Kick Boxing, MMA and more.  Single matches, 5 rounds fight, title belts and high media focus.

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