Region Øst – hektisk sesongavslutning!

2016Reg_Grad (20)Det er alltid mye som skjer i region Øst, og siste innspurt på vårtermin 2016 intet untak..

Klubbene har sine respektive graderinger, men i tillegg til dette er det også samkjøring som den regionale graderingen som ble avholdt Horten i år. Samt en tilsvarende i Oslo, men da på lavere grader. Paralellt med dette går treningsutveksling som bare det, for sesongen er ikke riktig over ennå, sommerleir står for tur og også der er det noen som skal prøve seg opp mot nye grader.

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21th Branko Bošnjak Memorial

memorial21_2016 – KopiOficial invitation to 21th Branko Bošnjak Memorial!

Memorial tournament was founded in memory on Branko Bošnjak, Croatian solder and member of Mladost Samobor for many years, who lost his life in Homeland war as member of Special Unit Police PU Alfa Zagreb. Memorial is held in Samobor sice 1995. In organisation of Karate Club Mladost Samobor in co-organisation with Special unit police Alfa Zagreb veteran association.

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Rgional Gradering Reg Øst

2016Reg_Grad (17)Som tidligere avsluttet NKO Region Øst vår termin med en regional gradering. Klubber såvel som sensorer kommer sammen for å få det beste resultat på det man ønsker å sette fokus på. I år var det også ekstra krydder, ettersom det var meldt opp en som Shodan kandidat..

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European Champions – Women Division

champions2016Five categories with the European Champion title to win. The first KWU European Championship weight categories gathered a good mix of fighters from different countries as well. With several world champions in the line up, it would be safe to say that the expectations was high. Looking back at the KWU World Championship last year, just a few medals fell outside Europe, and Russia was the biggest factor. All the categories for women was taken by Russia.

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KWU EC Results

kwuecAnother European Championship are history, and the results are all ready well known. As expected many of the favorites did win their categories, but also some fighters could be crowned with their first European tittle. Shinkyokushin with some of the best fighters in their organization made a clear statement, an in total the results was marked by this.

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KWU – European Championship

kwu2016KWU Kyokushin World Union organizes the 1st European Championship this month (11-12, June) in Belgrade. This is the first edition of the EC tournament in weight categories as the Open Weight was held in Russia 2012, and even as a European Championship, fighters from all over the world attended…

This years tournament keep it “inside” Europe, and 26 countries are registered. Do some drop outs in the last minutes there are 49 women and 115 men in the tournament. The women are split in to 5 weight categories, men in to 9..

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Romanian Summer Camp 2016

sampei_romania2016Shihan KEIJI SAMPEI, 7 dan will be the guest instructor at the Romanian summer camp this year!

The Summer camp will be held from 28 to 31 July 2016 in the town of Târgu Mureș.

All info HERE