Dutch Open 2017

dutchopen2017-kopiDutch Open (Shin)Kyokushin championship in Drachten/Netherlands on the 5th of march 2017.


Please mail to ” info@kyokushinkarate.nl ” for the official invitation. — at Drachten, Sportcentrum.

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Women Finals of the year 2016 – Inspirations..

swedish-open_20120915_0711-kopiAs the previous article we will look at some of the finals held in 2016. This time it is directed against women classes and some of the athletes who have been prominent there. As in the men’s division, unfortunately we could not get as many we wish. But an excerpt from the same tournament we had the article about men’s classes. The fighting style evolves and there is no doubt that there has never been higher level level than now.

It is also more and more fighting across the organisations borders, and that gives an extra excitements in to it.

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Finals of the year 2016 – Inspirations..

steffen_haukedalen-kopiThrough this year there have been a number of championships and tournaments. Although some had a quieter year as a result of the World Championship last year in 2015, but most fighters held a massive press on the competition front.Whose performance is the strongest this year? It is almost impossible to crown, but we will take a look at some of the highlights – finals. Mainly we have picked EC, EC Open Weigh, All Japan Open in some different organizations and weight categories.

Fighters of the world – you are our inspiration. 

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Ballerup Challenge Cup 2017

ballerup2017Ballerup Kyokushin Karate follows up the success from previous years and invites participants with none or limited fighting experience to the annual knockdown karate tournament. The tournament will take place on the 4th February 2017. The purpose of the tournament is to give inexperienced fighters an introduction and to experience with full contact karate. The tournament is open for all styles who want to try full contact karate kumite.

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