Strong Swedish EC Team ready!

v-yisGagSwedish Karate Kyokushinkai, known for long tradition and well known profiles. Sweden have manage to raise their total Karate Kyokushinkai level through long and hard work – the Kyokushin way. We could say a lot about this, but we will focus on this years EC Team, because we believe that it is one of the strongest in a very long time!

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NKO i Stora Höga Open, Sverige

stora-hoga-open-kumite-2017-cover_845x315Det er ikke første gang Norge er med i Stora Höga Open i Sverige. Dette er i hovedsag en meget godt tilpasset turnering for den yngre garde, og som kjent så har Sverige en mer detaljert tilpassing i regelverket enn Norge når det kommer til vekt og alder. På toppen av dette har man nå også lagt på seniorklasser, og der var det også godt nivå – av de over 170 påmelde! Lørdag 4.Februar – Sverige

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Lithuanian National results

gudauskas2017This Saturday the national championship of Lithuania was held, and ad the first country the tournament was held in “Olympic weight categories”  5 kg categories,No weight decisions, potential more dynamic fight time – on the other side, few fighters in each division, more weight cutting – but the Lithuanian Kyokushin Karate Federation – it`s all about quality, and they possesses top level where ever the fight.


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Lithuanian Championship 2017

15994351_1322095811181606_6176403532956525451_oThis Saturday 4th February, the Lithuanian championship will be held. Being on of the strongest nations inn Europe, with fighters in World class it naturally attracts interest. This year the Lithuanian championship expand the amount of weight categories, and divide the categories in to 5 kg classes. This results 9 eight categories for men and 6 for women. A another factor is that victory will not be given in weight differences, only decisions on the mat.

There will be LIVE transmission from the event!

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Welcome to Kazakhstan!

6thw2017_haukis – KopiKazakhstan will as you know be the host of the 6th World Championship in weight categories. (Known as the World Cup from earlier year) As a host you will not only be in the line for great expectations in terms of the organizational part, and the termination of this great tournament -but also prepare the strongest team of fighters to meet the challengers from all around the world… (not official poster)

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Elite Camp Hungary!

Szabo_Mikstaite2017With some of the very best fighters i Europe, and several participants from the strongest Kyokushin nations in Europe met, trained and shared their knowledge of full contact karate fighting. Profiled fighters as Inga Mikstaite, Marta Lubos, Marius Ilas, Zsofia Szabo and more attended in the lead of Hungarian Sensei Tibor Agócs, at Y Akadémia Jászberény.

Zsofia Szabo, Hungary and Inga Mikstaite, Lithuania – European Champions.

Picture by Tamás Fekete

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6th World Championship European Team

15747383_1550976694914280_7745683984854838203_n – KopiReleased on website (NADIN4EBLOG) yesterday, we could read who qualifies from the European region to the 6th World Championships in weight classes. But it is still some places left, and the upcoming European Championship in Denmark will be the place to look after the rest of the European fighters. Be ware of that in WKO one have to qualify to the World Championship in weight categories, this is a point to mention since many organizations do not have that. And this will explain why some nations are represented and some not. This also means that the level of fighters from fight one ill be at the best..

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Wallmen, Ilas and Wallmen – Sweden 2017!

haukis_wanted – Kopi

Well…is it so that we only promote these great instructors from Romania on this website?! Or is it so that they at the moment are “Most wanted” in the Kyokushin setting? Once again a new seminar are planed, Northern Sweden this time, 29th September – 1st October.

Organized by Guldstadens Kyokushin Karate Sweden.

⇐Poster made for fun, and are far from the official one!

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