Swiss Shinkyokushin Karate Association announced a while ago that Shinichi Sototade Shihan was instructor The Swiss Summer-camp 2018! That alone is a very good reason to visit the camp in 2018…But now a another top profile is added to the camp: Russian top fighter Nazar Nasirov!
British Open 2017 – The Lithuanians are coming!
September 9th was the deadline for entries in the British Open 2017, and almost 100 fighters are ready for this years edition. One could early see that the entries was changing the usually picture regarding to which organization and countries that was coming. The list of profiled fighters is a little more modest than last year, but there is no doubt about that several high class fighters are ready.
British Open 2017, 23rd September.
Anatolii Zhuravel, Ukraine
A very interesting young fighter with good all round skills, aggressive strong style combined with good techniques and combinations – and proven several times capacity to end fights before full time. Fresh off a solid win in the Szolnok European Cup 2017, being double EC-22 Champions 2015/16. Runner up in the KWU EC in 2016, and made a very strong impression in the 11th World Championship in 2015, when he made it to the second day beating Japanese top fighter Kazuya Yamamoto among others.
Európa Open Szolnok Cup, Hungary 2017 – videos
Videos from the Európa Open Szolnok Cup, Hungary 2017
Poland in All Japan Open!
The 49th edition of legendary All Japan Open Championship will be held 14/15 October 2017. This time with other nations represented, as it has been before. From Europe Poland has a strong team, not only strong national standard, but top fighters in the European level…
This is not the first time Poland s been competing in the All Japan Open Championship,as we remember at the 45th All Japan Open several nation attended, Spain, Australia, Kazakhstan and Poland – and at the end of the day it was Poland who came out with the best results from the visitors…
Európa Open Szolnok Cup – results
Európa Open Szolnok Cup, Hungary 2017
was held this weekend (Saturday 2nd September) The tournament gathers the strongest fighters from the strongest nations in Europe and Russia, and are highly respected all over. This year: Russia, Romania, Lithuania, Poland,Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgia and Hungary..!
Carpathia Cup 2018 – Polish Open
27th of January, 2018 – the Carpathia Cup – Polish Open will be held. This tournament has grown significantly in recent years, and a little look at the fact`s and numbers point that out. With 500 athletes in the line up, all ages, competing at eight Tatemies – Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Russia and Poland of course. Several top fighter of Europe attended last edition last time, keep the calendar clear for this one!
Kyokushin – going North!
This weekend – “as we speak”, Jimmie Collin shares his experience in Kyokushinkai Full Contact Karate in Kiruna Karate Kai – the the northernmost Dojo in Sweden! The Kick Off Seminar attracts Karatekas from All over Sweden, and from Norway as well. We have mention this before, an does it again because this is a very good example how we should work.
This region of Sweden are spreading the Kyokushin Karate out to more people – as we all should do! And this seminar are just one of the top`s that are planned..we will come back with more!
Kata seminar NKO 4-5 November
Lørdag og søndag 4/5 November er det klart for Kata seminar som blir avholdt i Modumhallen, arrangør Modum Kyokushinkai Karateklubb, NKO region Øst. Åpnet for alle klubber og organisasjoner.
Instruktører vil være Robin Thompson (Sverige) og Bård Brodshaug (Horten) Robin Thompson er en av Sveriges sterkeste Kata utøvere, og har lang og solid erfaring fra turneringer nasjonalt og internasjonalt i en årrekke. Bård Brodshaug, godt kjent i vårt miljø i Norge, med er solid all round kunskap og alltid oppdatert på det faglige.