Saturday 14th October the 22nd BRANKO BOŠNJAK MEMORIAL was held, and as always did the tournament live to its expectations. After at day with many great fights, the results was ready and it is fair to say that it was a results spread out over many nations. Hungary made a very strong impression, being the nation with most wins. A another nation did also made a strong impression – France. Winning two categories and also taking best fighting spirit award women by Camille Haddouche.
The 49th All Japan Open – results
ShinKyokushin Karate Winter Camp Germany 2018
The 14th German Winter-camp 2018 – 26-28th January.
Special guest Lukas Kubilius, Lithuania!
Once again the German Winter-camp can offer one of the top notch instructors to visit their camp. The strong tradition continues..
See more for info..
For the 2nd time Dream Cup World was organized. October 05-08 in Budapest “DREAM CUP”WORLD – 2017 – OPEN KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP IN HUNGARY event lasting several days program, the main component of the 06-07. October, Budapest “Körcsarnok” Sports Hall organized competition, 3 world region continents which more than 430 entries from 60 national and international teams taking part.
CAUCASUS CUP 2017 – Hard tournament with great traditions!
Last weekend CAUCASUS CUP 2017 was organized in Georgia, Tbilisi. This may be not the most promoted and known tournament fro everyone, but the level of the tournament must be said are very tough taking in consideration the countries that attends. This year Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Greece was signed up, and that gives us an idea about the level..
Andrei Zinchenko, Lasha Ozbetelashvili, Levan Verulidze, Eltac Humbatov,Valeh Cafarov,Ararat Hovsepyan to name some names..!
22. Memorijal Branka Bošnjaka – Line Up!
In one week the will the legendary 22. Memorijal Branka Bošnjaka take place in Croatia. A very strong international line up with fighters from 12 countries. A good mix of fighters from the European region, and many up and coming young fighters that will strengthen their record.
Nations represented in this years tournament: Denmark, Sweden,Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Lithuania, France, Greece, Austria, Afghanistan and Croatia as the host.
Autumn camp in Northern Sweden
The weekend 29/9 – 1/10 2017 autumn camp in Skellefteå, Sweden. The organizer was Guldstadens Kyokushin Karate, and the camp attracted participants from whole Sweden and also several Dojo`s from Norway. What or who could attract among seventy participant up in the North of Sweden? – Romanian masterclass!
⇐ Picture from Thomas Burman (link) (picture loaded are up cut to fit the page) Visit form more picture from the camp.
Camp Finnsnes 2017 – program!
British Open 2017 -predictably as unpredictable
British Open 2017 are history and the result are well known. Naturally this years tournament was a bit more modest than last year’s edition – that we feel is right considering that last year was the 40 years celebration tournament. As announced did nations such as Lithuania, Hungary and Poland their impact on the podium, and Russia as the tradition is. The tournament have its own way when it comes to rules, decisions, breaking and the use of Hikiwake. This makes the tournament just as predictably as unpredictable. The ref are based on feedback from practitioners and teams that were present, and the live stream.
Kumiko Sunakawa seminar 2018!
6th and 7th January 2018, Poland, TBST (Tomasz Basiak Shinkyokushin Team) will organize a seminar with no other than Kumiko Sunakawa Shihan 5th Dan, Japan. Sunakawa very well known all over the world for her excellent skills,but maybe even more known for her capability to pass on Shinkyokushin Karate to everyone who wants.
Highly respected for her karate skills, a technician and a fighter at the top level in Shinkyokushin Karate world. Now Dojo operator for Ochanomizu Dojo, and well known to hold lessons in Karate camps worldwide.