The Danish winter camp 2018 – 26-28 January! Continue reading
LIVE Kokoro Cup 10, 2017
Going the distance – that`s a highlight!
We brought together some videos of various fights that we like to watch. We can already tell you that there will be no knock out`s – maybe a waza-ari or two, but no K.O. To be frank we get a little bit tired from time to time of all the “best of” collections with half the time of the videos we actually are looking on unconscious people. We choose to set this a bit on the edge, of course, but the point is, there’s so much more in a very good and hard fight than “just” decision on who will win the fight.
Fighting Seminar 2018 – Denmark
The Danish fight camp have a great tradition, and can offer all that you want as an active Full Contact fighter, coach or “Dojo fighter” The camp are put together perfect by Sensei Mathias Halberg, and his crew. At this camp the “feel-good focus” are one of the major factor. And anyone who have been training hard and much, knows how important this is. This year’s guest instructor will be Shihan Koen Scharrenberg from Holland.
The camp have usually national teams from several countries supported by a solid number of Happy Camper`s – Dojo fighters!
Kokoro Cup 10 – it`s on!
The draw is a fact, and the speculations is going around as usual. We have a interesting line up and draw, two favorites are pointed out, a “dark horse” some good routine based fighters and a couple of up and coming highly interesting young fighters..! All Japan Open Champion, U22 European Champion, and European champion are to find in the line up!
Kokoror Cup 10 – Fighters!
According to Polish news-site the fighters of this years Kokoro Cup are announced. Sweden, Japan and Poland will participate with strong and well merited fighters in this fully professional organized tournament. Poland do have well merited fighters, but bringing inn fighters from Japan adds always something extra. As for the two Swedish fighters, they both comes of their strongest result up to now – so their ready for it as well..
Jimmie Collin – last dance
Today Saturday 25th November – Sweden`s top fighter for many years Jimmie Collin enter his last tournament. Jimmie Collin enters the Sweden national tournament, and as always he is not afraid to challenge himself. Entering the heaviest weight category will for sure be a challenge – but this mindset describe just why Jimmie Collin has been one of the top fighter in Europe for many years.
⇐ Jimmie Collin, Sweden. Thank you for motivation and inspiration. Showing that it is possible to reach goals with hard work and dedication. Osu SH
Attila Tóth – seminar!
Coming up this weekend seminar in Moldova, with the highest merited Kata athlete we know: Tóth Attila Shihan, Hungary. The Internationale seminar will be organized by the Federation Kyokushinkai Kan Karate Moldova. FB Link
Tóth Attila Shihan has been at the absolute top level in Kata for many years, in matter of fact he have participating in twenty European Championships – and as far as we know, he has been on the podium all each time – twenty times, twenty EC medals. Last EC in Denmark he took a strong 3rd place.
NNM Nordnorsk Mesterskap 2017
I helgen ble det arrangert NNM Nordnorsk Mesterskap, og vertskap var vår nordligste klubb – Finnsnes Karateklubb. Stevnet hadde tilbud til utøvere i alle aldre og grener, og antall påmeldinger var registrert til 125. Finnsnes sammen med Tromsø hadde alene 85 påmeldinger, sistnevente med 50!
-det er imponerende! Arrangørmessig vet man at Finnsnes Karateklubb har gode mesterskap i ledelse av Erik Anders , og på toppen av dette kom Bo Vidar fra Bergen Karateklubb, NKF/ Fullkontaktskomiteen og internasjonal dommer sertifisert i tillegg.
Swedish Open 2018
Swedish Open 2018 just hit the calendar, and even so that this is ahead of us in time, it would be a point to give it some extra attention! We all know that the tournament hold a very good level, and that together with the great result Sweden showed at the U22 European Championship gives us an idea that the level will increase further – only counting in Sweden`s own fighters! Besides that we also know that very strong nations as Lithuania and Poland with more will take the challenge…!
Note: not official poster!