Dear Presidents of National Organizations, Country Representatives, WKO Brach Chiefs, Club Leaders on behalf of Slovakian Shinkyokushin Karate Organization
We have the honour to invite you to the SLOVAKIAN OPEN – International Competition
Tournament will take place 25th of March 2018 in Sport Hall of Dunajská Streda, Slovakia.

Best regards, Sensei Markovics János 4.dan

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Spanish Summer Camp 2018

This years summer camp in Spain are set from 27-29th of July. Great traditions and always top guest instructors makes this camp the quality camp that it is! Besides the top instructors from the Spanish Federation, top name from Japan is ready. National coach of Japan and retired top fighter Tadashi Ishihara Sensei will be the top name this year! As a fighter he has the 13th All Japan Open weight category winner, and World Cup winner in the middleweight from 1997 with much more to look back at. Ishihara is a well known instructor in Europe, and has been top name in many camps all over Europe. This summer he will also visit Poland – but first Spain!

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Danish Dynamite!

Recently we all noticed that the Danish Shinkyokushin team entered the Diamond Cup with a very strong team – maybe the strongest we have seen in a long time. But this did not happen over night. If we take a look back, and pick up the trail from the last results of the Danish team, we can clearly see that “something” is going on. It is also been worked out a cooperation agreement between them and Ashihara Denmark, to back each others tournaments and more. Ashihara in Denmark do also have many good Dojo`s, so this will whit out doubt lift the level even higher for all parts!

Photo from La Renaissance (cut to page)

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Gode prestasjoner i Stora Höga Open!

NKO hadde et solid lag på plass under året Stora Höga Open, som avholdes i Sverige hvert år. Turneringen er midt i blinken for nivå og utbytte med tanke på det man trenger i Norge. Med rett i underkant av 200 påmelde utøvere, og med et kampsystem som kombinerer cup og pool, er utbytte mildt sagt stort! De norske utøverene gikk 3 og fire kamper hver(!) Gg i tillegg til dette vanket det også forlengelser i kampene. Dvs at her fikk man mer kamptid på en dag, enn hva man gjør på et år i Norge. Stevnet er ypperlig som et ungdom/rekrutt stevne, men her tilbud for senior også, både i semi og fullkontakt. Bilder fra Færder web Continue reading

The focus is Kata!

Now and then we feel that the time should be dedicated to Kata. Kumite will on regular basis get the most attention, but the Kata part heave it`s natural place as well. There is no doubt about the huge effort and hard work to reach technical level one have to possess entering the tatemi for a Kata competition. And you can`t change the form, and develop a new style to impress the world, you must stick to the pattern, and deliver the inheritance of Karate!

Photo:Jarle Røine. / Chalita Andersson

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Frisk NKO start 2018

NKO starter det nye året veldig friskt, og allerede førstkommende helg er det solid deltagelse i Stora Höga Open i Sverige. 12-15 utøvere fra Region Øst stiller til start, godt fordelt utøver klassene. Turneringen har i overkant av 200 påmeldte, og kan tilby alle klasser. Fra barn til senior fullkontakt.

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Geilo høyfjells-Kyokushin 2018

I Januar 2017 møttes Øst og Vest på Geilo for et lite kick-off. Det samme gjentok seg i september, og nå denne helgen var det tredje gang. Med andre ord så er det nå en offisiell fast event for NKO, Øst møter Vest på Geilo, ved hver termin start. Hovedsaken rundt dette formatet har vært å kunne få et godt utbytte ila en helg, uten å reiser seg “i hjel” Denne gangen strakk det seg fra Egersund og helt ned til Færder kk – med klubbene i mellom vel å merke.

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It`s on! Diamond Cup 2018!

The new year will for sure start with a bang! The number of registered participants is now more than 220, and it will probably not stop there! It is also of great interest to see that practitioners from Ashihara Karate from several nations have joined. Among twenty countries have signed in, and many strong nations with their profiles are ready to top this years Diamond Cup! Europe are represented, so are Russia and Japan with more..!

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