Spring Camp Hungary 2018!

A full-paced Spring Camp in Hungary organized by Shihan József Stefanovics, packed with top Hungarian fighters and topped with the greatest fighter in modern time, Valeri Dimitrov Sensei, Bulgaria.

Victory Gym, Hungary 29th March – 1st April.

Also attending at the camp, top Hungarian fighters:

  • Sensei Gábor Búzás, 3.dan,
  • Senpai  Zsolt Balogh 2.dan,
  • Senpai  Krisztián Pető 2. dan,
  • Senpai  Lídia Körmöndi 2.dan.

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Holiday and Swedish Shinkyokushin 2018

It’s time to plan this summer’s summer vacation – and no summer without Kyokushin! Many combine vacation and exercise, and here we have a very good Swedish feature that takes care of both. Once again this event are being organized by Sensei Mikael Andersson, Sweden. The camp are not held in Sweden, but in Croatia, Bol. Three days camp 27-29th June. Jimmie Collin Sempai will alos attend as an instructor – as before!

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Alexander Kuzmin seminar in Poland

Kuzmin Alexander Vasilievich -Vice-president of the UFCS, Master of Sports of Ukraine, international referee, Head coach of the Ukrainian national team, USSR Champion, multiple champion of Ukraine and prize-winner of international competitions.Once again TBST, Tomasz Basiak organizes a seminar with top instructor. Poland, Spring seminar 17th & 18th March 2018.

Next one on the schedule: Summer camp with Shihan Kumiko Sunakawa July for kids, summer camp 24th – 26th August 2018 with Kensaku Yamamoto Shihan and Emi Shoguchi Sensei.

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Midori Kenji Shihan to France

The hardworking and never resting WKO president Kenji Midori Shihan will visit France in November 2018! He will be central to a major seminar held in France in November 3rd and 4th 2018. this together with yet another eminent karate instructor Yasukazu Koi Shihan. The french Shinkyokushin organization seems to have a very good drive forward at the time, activities, profiles and results are coming up – as we speak!

Remember 10th French Open 24/3

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Alina Polishchuk , Russia

Alina Polishchuk , Russia. Strong aggressive style, rapid explosive combinations – and always a very strong finisher. Polishchuk has the capacity to keep up with the best, and will give anyone a fight. That said, Polishchuk is moving towards the top more and more at a regular basis,and have the last years been winner of several international tournaments. Last year, the European Open Szolnok Cup 2017 tittle was captured. And also doing a very good figure in several world championships (IFK/KWU) Being the European Champion in 2015 (KAN), made more people notice this Russian fighter. Followed this up with a nice win in the Diamond Cup in 2016.

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In the memory of Shihan Toshikazu Sato

In the early days Toshikazu Sato Shihan made a great effort in the All Japan Open and the World Championship. Being among the top five in the 1st World Open Tournament in 1975, and following that up with a All Japan Open Weight victory the year after in the 8th All Japan Open. In front of the world championship, the results was also good. 3rd place in the 4th/1972 and 5th/1973 and 5th place in 1974. Sato Shihan will be remembered for his long term contribution to the WKO organization.

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European Championship Shinkyokushin 2018 – documents and guidelines!

European Championship Shinkyokushin 2018 – documents and guidelines!

European Karate
Organization, for European Shinkyokushin Championships for Seniors and Juniors
on 11-12 of May 2018
Poland, Wroclaw, Orbita Hall, Wejherowska 34str.
European Karate Organization (EKO),
Polish Shinkyokyshinkai Karate Federation (PFKS),
Kyokushin Karate Club of Masutatsu Oyama in Wroclaw (KKKK)

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European Shin Kyokushin Championships Seniors & Juniors 2018 (trailer)

About three month Poland will held the European Shinkyokushin Championship for seniors and juniors. Poland hosted the European Championship in 2015, and really showed a professional tournament – organizing as well as participating. Recently U22 European Championship was held 2017, also a great success, and looking to the future we know that the World Championship in weight categories will also be held in Poland.

But this year, 11 and 12th of May, the European Championship in Shinkyokushin will be held – and we are in for a sneak preview  of things to come! Presented by two of the profiles: Agata Winiarska (Kaliciak) and Konrad Kozubowski.

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