One of the finest tradition in Shinkyokushin tournaments are ready with a new date: The 23rd BRANKO BOŠNJAK MEMORIAL will be held 27th October 2018. A pure traditional Full contact Karate tournament with great traditions. We do always mention this: the hospitality is legendary..! The level of the fighting fits the organizing and one do get amazed by the combination little hype but strong quality!

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NKO Sommerleir 2008 – 2018

Sist sommer, i 2017 var det egentlig ti års jubileum for NKO Shinkyokushin Norge. På sommerleiren 2007, Moi ble NKO etablert, og etter et år med prøvetid ble man tatt opp i WKO. Selv om man ble etablert i 2007, ble det året etter som mange følte var startskuddet. Da først fikk man en en retning om hvordan dette kunne bli. Den sommerleiren kom selveste Kenji Midori Shihan på besøk pluss Shihan Brian Fitkin.

2008 ble startskudd for NKO hvor man fort innså at man nå tilhørte noe langt større, og til de grader inkluderende.

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Nazar Nasirov Sensei!

March 4, 2018 in Tokyo at the Hearton Higashi Shinagawa hosted the Dan-test (qualification exam) of the regional leaders of WKO Grading Exam. It was attended by 50 people from 10 countries: Russia, Sweden, Poland, Armenia, Italy, Hungary, Macau, the Netherlands, China and Japan. On the Russian side, Nazar Nasirov, Roman Nesterenko, Vyacheslav Mitrikovsky and Andrey Kitkin made speeches.

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Camp Banzai 2018

Camp Banzai Gothenburg,Sweden 2018.

Once again the Banzai Camp calls in the absolute top instructors! This years camp will give you Valeri Dimitrov and Sensei Dimitar Trampov from Bulgaria. It would surprise us If there is someone who do not know of these two icons in the full contact Karate world! This will – in the combination with the eminent host Banzai, be a MUST BE THERE event!

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Polish Team ready for EC!

On Saturday, February 17, the Qualifying Tournament for the European Senior and Junior Championships took place in Kobyłka. 117 competitors from 32 clubs took part in the competition. Based on the results of the tournament and counting in the ranking of players (seniors), the players who were appointed to the National Team for the European Championships, which will be held in Wrocław on May 11 and 12, were selected. See list….

Polska Federacja Karate Shinkyokushinkai

PI-photo.pl for more photos!

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Karate Dream Festival 2018

In the Karate Dream Festival, all generations from juniors to seniors will compete in this tournament to fulfill their dreams. As the name tells you, WKO hope that this tournament will become an event filled with hope and dreams.

Tokyo Gymnasium on June 23-24, 2018

The Dream Festival (earlier the Dream Cup)really inspire in the way it works. More and more participants find their way in to the event, and if we remember back around 2008, the tournament had about 1000 participants. And at that time it was also a very big event!

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