Camp Banzai 2018

Camp Banzai Gothenburg,Sweden 2018.

Once again the Banzai Camp calls in the absolute top instructors! This years camp will give you Valeri Dimitrov and Sensei Dimitar Trampov from Bulgaria. It would surprise us If there is someone who do not know of these two icons in the full contact Karate world! This will – in the combination with the eminent host Banzai, be a MUST BE THERE event!

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Polish Team ready for EC!

On Saturday, February 17, the Qualifying Tournament for the European Senior and Junior Championships took place in Kobyłka. 117 competitors from 32 clubs took part in the competition. Based on the results of the tournament and counting in the ranking of players (seniors), the players who were appointed to the National Team for the European Championships, which will be held in Wrocław on May 11 and 12, were selected. See list….

Polska Federacja Karate Shinkyokushinkai for more photos!

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Karate Dream Festival 2018

In the Karate Dream Festival, all generations from juniors to seniors will compete in this tournament to fulfill their dreams. As the name tells you, WKO hope that this tournament will become an event filled with hope and dreams.

Tokyo Gymnasium on June 23-24, 2018

The Dream Festival (earlier the Dream Cup)really inspire in the way it works. More and more participants find their way in to the event, and if we remember back around 2008, the tournament had about 1000 participants. And at that time it was also a very big event!

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The name fits – Diamond Cup shines!

The Diamond Cup 2018 delivered a fully packed tournament that makes it stand stronger than ever. For sure the Diamond Cup are known for top level fighting from many years – but one do have to notice that the concept grows, more and more people are included… and that together with the quality!

With fifteen nations spread across the podium, the result describes how the diversity in the tournament is – and this makes the interest increase even further!

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NKO i Scottish Open 2018 – DRAWS

I dag 24. Februar stiller NKO med fire utøvere i Scottish Open. Scottish Open treffer godt på kalenderen med tanke på tidspunktet, og har med dette blitt et stevne flere har vurdert. Kvalitetsmessig har Scottish mye å gå på, og årets utgave er betydelig redusert fra fjorårets, men da ble heller ikke Diamond Cup i belgia arrangert på samme dag. Uansett NKO er på plass for å høste erfaringer og representere.

Dagens utøvere er fra Bergen kk og Egersund, Jeanette Johannessen, Bjørn Eirik Orstad, Therese Netland Østerbrød og Kristian Søyland.

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