Russian Open-weight Shinkyokushin 2018

This Saturday the 29/9, The Russian Championship Open-weight was held. As in many regions and countries around at the time, the tournaments are aiming towards the 12th World Championship 2019. Russia region have a very high level, and with the top fighter Nasirov, Russia will for sure be notice in the World Tournament next year.

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Swedish Open 2018 – women divisions!

The 7th version of Swedish Open was held this weekend, 22nd September, and as always organized in a very professional matter. Swedish Open have a setting that many just think they would see in a European Championship or a tournament in that order.

Top female fighters from Lithuania, Hungary and Sweden was challenged by Denmark, Spain, Norway and Switzerland. Eleven fighters in the lightweight -65 kg and seven in the over 65 kg category.

Photo by Svein Olaf Bænnes, Shin Norway

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Swedish Open 2018 – Scandinavian dominance!

The 7th version of Swedish Open was held this weekend, 22nd September, and as always organized in a very professional matter. Swedish Open have a setting that many just think they would see in a European Championship or a tournament in that order.

This years edition brought us fighters from: France, Croatia, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, Lithuania, Russia, USA, Denmark, Norway, and of course the host Sweden…

⇐ Pictures: Svein Olaf Bænnes, Shin Norway

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Norge i Swedish Open 2018

I morgen er det klart for den 7. utgaven av Swedish Open. Turneringen  avholdes annenhvert år, som et sammenarbeid med Danish Open som går motsatt år. Norge har de siste år vært fast innventar i Swedish – og det skulle bare mangle når man ser hvordan svenske utøvere i en årrekke har støtte norske arrangement. Vi tar en liten kikk på de norske utøvere og litt på årets turnering.

Swedish Open avholdes i Göteborg, og er den mest proffesjonelle turneringen i nærheten av Norge.

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Dimitar Trampov, Bulgaria

Fighting for over thirty year, and fighting among the top level for so long – that alone will put Trampov in a “division” for himself. Being on the European podium more or less in a ten year period, facing the absolute best – well that has been written before, but still going strong thirty year after? To be capable of doing so, one do realize that this is beyond the ordinary. Technique, understanding, and a true spirit. Making a strong figure in World Championships, being the oldest competitor in 2015 – passes his 4th Dan test few days after.

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International autumn camp 14-16 sep 2018, Sweden

This year, as last year International autumn camp will be held in Northern Sweden, Skellefteå. Last years camp was a great success, and the recipe for that was a mix of good organizing from Guldstaden Kyokushin Karate. In the lead of Oualid Burström Sensei and Hanna Lundmark Sempai and good helpers from the Dojo. And not to forget the “most wanted” Romanian masterclass with Marius Ilas Sensei, Anca Wallmen Shihan and Harris Wallmen Sensei..

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