12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event,keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and the expectations have never been higher. It would be hard to tell how such a great championship will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men D block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event,keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and the expectations have never been higher. It would be hard to tell how such a great championship will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men C block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event,keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and the expectations have never been higher. It would be hard to tell how such a great championship will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men B block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event, keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and we are looking forward to see great fighters go up against each other. It would be hard to tell how many of the fights will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men A block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event, keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and we are looking forward to see great fighters go up against each other. It would be hard to tell how many of the fights will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well..  as one say: ladies first.. C/D block Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event, keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and we are looking forward to see great fighters go up against each other. It would be hard to tell how many of the fights will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. as one say: ladies first.. A/B block.. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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NKO i Okawa Cup – Sverige

Lørdag 26. oktober var det klart for Okawa Cup i Kungälv, Sverige. Marcus Skailand / Egersund Karate Kyokushinkai stillte til start. Marcus som også var i aksjon tidligere i høst/sensommers, med deltagelse i Romania International Open. Som de fleste stevner i Sverige, så er det lagt opp til MYE fighting. Og Sverige har som kjent bra med utøvere, på et godt nivå, og da får man gjort det man kommer for: fightet så mye man orker – med så mange som mulig!

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Arendal – Kampsamling 19.Okt

Lørdag 19. Oktober var det Arendal Karateklubb som huset en god gjeng med entusiastiske utøvere for å møtes og trene sammen. Tema denne runden var kamp, og utøvere fra Østlandet samt sørvestlandet var på plass. Det var også av betydning at det var samlet godt med informasjon fra forskjellige stevner rundt om i Europa, så man kan jobbe med et som er reelt – og ikke det man erfarte på stevnet for et halvt år siden.

Kampsamling Arendal KK 19. Oktober 2019
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Memorial Branka Bošnjaka 2019

Kun en uke etter å ha seiret i Romanian International Open – stiller Marleen Gregusson opp en av de mest legendariske turneringene i Europa. Startfeltet er utrolig sterkt, med flere europamestere og ikke minst at Russland entrer denne turneringen med sine VM kvalifiserte utøvere forteller litt. 11 land stillte opp i årets utgave, som var den 24.

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