10 years ago: Look back at “Hungarian Open 2009”

Many said that the Hungarian Open was a tournament at such a high level, that it even could be compared to the European Championships. The tournament does not exist today in the same way, but it was arranged several times.In 2009 Hungarian Open was streamed LIVE, and with 149 competitors from 11 countries, (European countries, Russia and Kazakhstan) Four categories men and three women + Kata as well. and World Cup fighters, EC champions and more at the line up – this turn out to be a tournament way beyond the normal. Picture: Marius Ilas / Romania

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Mushin Challenge 2019

Mushin Challenge 15th edition 2019, Regionen på plass i årets utgave. På oppsettet for helgens kamper sto Horten, Færder, Modum, Oslo, Lørenskog og Ringerike. På dagen ble det denne gangen preget av endel sykdom, men da fikk man prøve å fylle inn etter beste evne. Mushin er som de fleste vet “sparring i skjerpede omstendigheter” man simulerer stevnet med håndplukkede kamper som gir god avkastning.

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NKO – Trener i Japan

NKO har i de siste år hatt jevnlig trening i Japan. Jevnlig i den forstand at man er der 2-3 uker årlig å trener på normal basis i Dojo som er ønsket. Denne høsten var det VM som de fleste kjenner, da er det også muligheter for å trene. Horten, Oslo og Ringerike hadde satt opp litt tøffere program enn hva de fleste tenker når det kommer til “ferie”

Ochanomizu Dojo
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Hvert fjerde år arranger WKO sitt VM i Japan, og Norge har sin plass sammen med resten av verden. VM er åpen vekt, med alle land representert i form av kvoter på antall utøvere man kan sende. Det det er også kvalifiserte utøvere naturlig nok, de kommer gjennom sine regioner – som ville vært Europa og EM hvis man tenker i Norges sted.

Photo by Piotr Sztencel
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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event,keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and the expectations have never been higher. It would be hard to tell how such a great championship will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men D block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event,keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and the expectations have never been higher. It would be hard to tell how such a great championship will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men C block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event,keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and the expectations have never been higher. It would be hard to tell how such a great championship will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men B block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event, keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and we are looking forward to see great fighters go up against each other. It would be hard to tell how many of the fights will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well.. Men A block. Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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12th World Karate Championship

Closing in to the greatest event, keeping the full contact Karate tradition alive: A World Tournament in Open Weight – the excitement raises and we are looking forward to see great fighters go up against each other. It would be hard to tell how many of the fights will turn out – but we will at least take a little closer look at the fighters, the draw and maybe also get to “know” some new fighters as well..  as one say: ladies first.. C/D block Remember: it is only speculation – based on previous records and fight.. We appreciate and warmly welcome when fighters disprove our speculation 🙂

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