EFKO fighters ready for Japan

The 1st EFKO European Championship are history, the result well known, and 8 fighters – 4 women and 4 men are ready for the WFKO tournament i Osaka, Japan in May including the rest of the team from previous qualify. Many entertaining good fights was seen trough the 2 day tournaments – a short summary would be that favorites did as expected – and some new faces came trough the surface. The team behind the tournament has been working hard to make it happen, but as mention in the pre-article for the tournament, this was not necessary the easy task to complete.

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Som om vi ikke har nok EM i Kyokushin, så arrangerte man i The 1st European Fullcontact karate Organisation EM i Belgia i Januar 2020. Dette er et åpent EM hvor alt av fullkontakt kan delta, uavhengig av org og stil. Hos mange organisasjoner er det åpent fra før, dette er fordi man har knappes folk nok til å avholde EM – men i dette tilfelle var det et godt besøkt EM – noe som gjør at plasseringer har status, i motsetning til at man blir tildelt en meterhøy pokal for oppmøte. 24 nasjoner – EM og VM mestere å finne i “alle klasser”.

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The 1st European Fullcontact Karate Championship

New year, and new championships! The Gi has hardly dried up before it is once again ready for a major tournament. One can see that it can be smart with more time between all the major tournaments. Not only refers to this case, this was seen throughout the current season as well. Anyway, 24 nations in 8 categories, are ready to kick off the 2020 season – almost there it ended.

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Shinkyokushin at 35th Martial Arts Festival – France

The 35th version of the legendary martial art festival in France will be held 21st March. Full Contact karate Kyokushin has been represented here in several occasions, but far as we know not Shinkyokushin. Shihan Jesus Talan / Spain will be a part of the representation. This is the largest event of this type in Europe, and it is a huge honor to be be a part of it.

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Fights of the year 2019 – Women

As in the previous article we will look at some of the fights held in 2019. One more year have come to and end, many strong achievements tons of fights, tournaments and championships. It shouldn’t be necessary to mention, but the level in total increases, and it will continue to do so if the circumstances are right, and if conditions are adequately organized. Many really impressing fights – and we have some more here..

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Fights of the year 2019 – Inspirations..

Rahim Kamali / Iran

Through a jungle of tournaments and championships, it becomes natural to separate some from each other. With such a diversity – but still with the same titles – one needs some insight. And one must admit that it is a bit special to see athletes attend in 3-4 World Championships in one and the same session. But there has never been so many European Championships/cup, World Championships/cups as now. As a result of this many tournaments struggle to fill their categories. Some many skilled athletes and competitors with unbelievable hard work.

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