Gradering i Romania

Når det ikke er mulig å fighte rundt om i verden pga Covid-19, ser man etter andre utfordriner. Fredag 16. oktober gjennomførte og bestod Marleen Gregusson fight-delen på sin 2.dan gradering. En fight-del som ble bestått på et betydelig nivå. Artikkelen tar for seg prestasjonen i seg selv, og litt om selve opplegget, tanken bak graderingsfight.

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Yusaku Watanabe, Japan

Educated by the legendary Tsukamoto – explosive and agile as a lightweight, razor-sharp timing, all backed by tremendous force. Yasaku Watanabe maintains a significantly high level, and it will always be interesting to see what comes out of this fighter. It is also amazing to see what quality Watanabe has, when he reads his opponents, and perform counterattacks on their attacks.

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Polish Shinkyokushin Summercamp 2020

To have a summer camp in these days are not easy, and for many it means no camp at all this year. But some manage to push it trough. During this Covid-19 period the most of all activities has been locked down, and specially the tournaments and larges camps. The Polish camp this year gathered 140 participants in the beautiful European Budo Center – Dojo Stara Wieś, to train and go trough belt examination.

All pictures from visit for more!
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52nd All Japan Open

Legendary All Japan Open – the 52nd edition will be held November 21 & 22. Due to the Corona situation, there will be no spectators this time. Last edition gave us some really interesting fights. It was also a big effort, considering that this was a qualification for the world championship. To look forward to a great event now in these days are really good medicine!

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U-samling på Ringerike

Helgen 14-16 August var det samling for U-klassene på Ringerike. Ungdom fra store deler av landet deltok, og utbyttet var særdeles godt for alle måter. Som arrangør fikk man bryne seg tilstrekkelig på det å avholde en samling etter gjeldende rettningslinjer, med spøkelse om å avlyse hengende over seg – men alt må øves på!

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Are you dedicated?

“Even if the body deteriorates, the heart stays the same”

We often hear about dedicated people, and let ourselves be admired and motivated by them. In modern times, one can possibly say that there is a significant difference between true dedication and assumed dedication. This has probably always been the case. But due to the pressure from appearing perfect on social media, a strong factor is that you want to appear somewhat more dedicated than you really are. Especially among younger people, one can imagine. We take a look at someone one fore sure can call dedicated – and the most interesting things: how they mindset make this happen. Kaihōgyō 回峰行 ( “circling the mountain” ) The 1000 days challenge..

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Poland vs Europe 2008

In 2008, related to the last performance of one of the absolute top Polish fighters in the history, a match up between Poland and the top fighters of Europe was held. At the time Poland did also contributed with their very best athletes, who actually held top European level. Some videos are to find, an fighters as Mariusz Mazur, Krzysztof Habraszka, Sylwester Sypien and more from Poland, as the European team had fighters as Alejandro Navarro, Jan Sokup, Viktor Teixeira to name a few..

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Mas Oyama Memorial Cup 2014

From official invitation :“This tournament will be held as a memorial event to mark the 20 the anniversary of the death of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate. This international event will be cosponsored by WKO and the Hungary Branch, the host country, and WKO competitors from various regions will participate in this tournament. We would also like to invite competitors from other international karate organizations for this tournament..”

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2010 EC Shinkyokushin, Spain

Time fly, and ten years goes fast. European Championship Shinkyokushin was held in Spain, Logroño 4th – 5th June. Looking back, the level of top fighters attending in this edition was amazing. If we take the winners from both divisions, women and men, the champions was not only the best in Europe – but some of the best in the world! Look back, videos and full draw to find..

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EC Openweight 2013

This time we will take a look back at the European Championship in open weight, held in Oradea, Romania 2013. The European Championship in open-weight has always been a very interesting tournament. Not only because it is a EC with a very high level,but often fighters that not fight each other at the regular basis now comes up against each others. The line up in front of this EC was very strong and everyone speculate early on who would be the winner, and who could face who.

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