Polish Open weight 2020

The 21st edition of the Polish Open was held this weekend. The championship was held in Katowice on November 14, 2020, and was supported by almost 70 clubs. We bring you the results of the Open-weight category for women and men, as well as the results in Kata.

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52nd All Japan – Results

Kembu Iriki pulls trough a very tough All Japan Open – Iriki been top three five times, in the last six All Japan Open’s. Includes winning the 48th edition – as he now does in the 52nd edition. This edition really fits the name: ALL JAPAN Open – where one can see top Japanese fighters from organisations and schools – that one in some cases did’t know existed! Two major victories was pulled of this weekend, 1. To face the challenge, organizing a tournament with the covid-19 and AND to manage to gather so many different fighters from different schools.

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…back in the days..

These days, many old video clips are popping up. No wonder, since not much new is coming. Covid-19 has put the brakes on when it comes to championships. The joy will be great when the time is right to reopen this activity. Until then, we can have fun with old clips – of our role models and heroes – which also give an enormous amount of joy! We have collected some clips of European fighters, Dimitrov (97), Wallmen (?), Trampov (95), Imbras (00), Stefanovics (02) ,Najduch (95) Popov (03)

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The 52nd All Japan Open-Line up women’s division

Closing in to the 52nd edition of the All Japan Open, the DRAW are ready and the excitement raises. The men’s category are supported by 65 fighters, and the women’s category have 37 fighters. Strong names – as usually, and once again: this is the All Japan Open – open weight, supported by many different organisations and top fighters. We will take a closer look at the women’s division.

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The 52nd All Japan Open-Line up

Closing in to the 52nd edition of the All Japan Open, the DRAW are ready and the excitement raises. The men’s category are supported by 65 fighters, and the women’s category have 37 fighters. Strong names – as usually, and once again: this is the All Japan Open – open weight, supported by many different organisations and top fighters.

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Gradering i Romania

Når det ikke er mulig å fighte rundt om i verden pga Covid-19, ser man etter andre utfordriner. Fredag 16. oktober gjennomførte og bestod Marleen Gregusson fight-delen på sin 2.dan gradering. En fight-del som ble bestått på et betydelig nivå. Artikkelen tar for seg prestasjonen i seg selv, og litt om selve opplegget, tanken bak graderingsfight.

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Yusaku Watanabe, Japan

Educated by the legendary Tsukamoto – explosive and agile as a lightweight, razor-sharp timing, all backed by tremendous force. Yasaku Watanabe maintains a significantly high level, and it will always be interesting to see what comes out of this fighter. It is also amazing to see what quality Watanabe has, when he reads his opponents, and perform counterattacks on their attacks.

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Polish Shinkyokushin Summercamp 2020

To have a summer camp in these days are not easy, and for many it means no camp at all this year. But some manage to push it trough. During this Covid-19 period the most of all activities has been locked down, and specially the tournaments and larges camps. The Polish camp this year gathered 140 participants in the beautiful European Budo Center – Dojo Stara Wieś, to train and go trough belt examination.

All pictures from https://www.facebook.com/pzkskarateshinkyokushinkai visit for more!
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52nd All Japan Open

Legendary All Japan Open – the 52nd edition will be held November 21 & 22. Due to the Corona situation, there will be no spectators this time. Last edition gave us some really interesting fights. It was also a big effort, considering that this was a qualification for the world championship. To look forward to a great event now in these days are really good medicine!

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