Almost 200 fighters from different organizations will battle for the top position in Russia. Seniors and “All – masters” will compete in weight categories.

Almost 200 fighters from different organizations will battle for the top position in Russia. Seniors and “All – masters” will compete in weight categories.
A trip back to 2007, and the 9th World Open Championship. At the second day of the tournament, Dimitrov and Gudauskas face each other. Valeri Dimitrov with victories over Jimme Collin / Sweden, Zsolt Balogh / Hungary earlier this day, as Gudauskas recently had a notable win over reign World Champion Suzuki / Japan, and before that Aristotelis Melikiadis / Greece.
This weekend, the 6th version of the JFKO All Japan Championship has been held, the very best fighters in Japan fought to be crowned as the champion in their own weight category. We have tried to translate the results – who contains new names at the top!
Ettersom pandemien flater ut, og mulighetene ligger til rette for å avholde samlinger igjen, ble det lørdag 29. mai avholdt en mini samling i Arendal. Utøvere fra Egersund, Ringerike var ogå tilstedet, men det var Arendal som hovedsaklig stod for utøverene. Rask respons og planleggig på messenger var oppskriften på organiseringen.
May 8th the Polish national EC qualifying championship was held, and the main goal for the senior fighters was to qualify to the upcoming European Championship in Georgia in June. More or less – the favorites made their goal, but some really hard and even fights made it exciting to watch. Also some profiles had moved from their regular category – and that will also always be interesting to follow. Results and link to stream (if you missed it)
European Championship in Denmark, 1999. At this time the EC had only three categories in the men division – and these fights are from the heaviest category. We can also give you Allahverdi Rustamov (Azerbaijan) vs Niklas Ollvid (Sweden) The Swede made it to the top 16 later same year in the world championship.
A week ago, the Hungarian national was held (25/4) and the top Hungarian elite faced each other to decide the best fighters and Kata practitioners of the nation. In other world some of the best European fighters meet – for not to say best in the word – since two times world champion Szepesi Csenge did her comeback on the tatami..
Continue readingPopova entered the European Championship podium back in 2017, in a very hard category. 2018 – the first EC tittle is a fact – in the open-weight category. No one can match Deleva’s incredible drive and intensity. -not the year after either, EC weight category tittle after a win in the final against Magdalena Gustaitytė. Representing Bulgaria in the 12th World Championship in 2019. EC champion 2021, 3rd place in the World Championship in weight categories and winning the EC Open Weight in 2022, and with that qualifies once again to the world championship in 2023
About 6 weeks, the 6th edition of the JFKO All Japan Open will be held, and in so matter a very important edition so to speak. Japan have manage to organize several championship trough the covid-19 pandemic – as the 52nd All Japan Open. This championship will bring us fighters that will face the rest of the World in World Championship in the future – this makes it even more interesting! Champions and strong Full-contact profiles joining the JFKO/WFKO continues to increase.
The 3rd round of The 20th All Japan Open was intense and dramatic. Hiroki Kurosawa met Satoshi Yoshioka. With 3 Wazaries in the same fight, one can understand that the fight was more than exciting – and a little unusual. With the knock out expert Kurosawa on the tatami, wazari’s was not a rare thing – but who scored one and who scored two, and took the victory in this fight?