Hungarian national 2021

A week ago, the Hungarian national was held (25/4) and the top Hungarian elite faced each other to decide the best fighters and Kata practitioners of the nation. In other world some of the best European fighters meet – for not to say best in the word – since two times world champion Szepesi Csenge did her comeback on the tatami..

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Ivanka Popova (Deleva), Bulgaria

Popova entered the European Championship podium back in 2017, in a very hard category. 2018 – the first EC tittle is a fact – in the open-weight category. No one can match Deleva’s incredible drive and intensity. -not the year after either, EC weight category tittle after a win in the final against Magdalena Gustaitytė. Representing Bulgaria in the 12th World Championship in 2019. EC champion 2021, 3rd place in the World Championship in weight categories and winning the EC Open Weight in 2022, and with that qualifies once again to the world championship in 2023

Ivanka Popova (Deleva) – Bulgaria

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6th All Japan Full Contact Championships

About 6 weeks, the 6th edition of the JFKO All Japan Open will be held, and in so matter a very important edition so to speak. Japan have manage to organize several championship trough the covid-19 pandemic – as the 52nd All Japan Open. This championship will bring us fighters that will face the rest of the World in World Championship in the future – this makes it even more interesting! Champions and strong Full-contact profiles joining the JFKO/WFKO continues to increase.

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1 fight – 3 Wazaries!

The 3rd round of The 20th All Japan Open was intense and dramatic. Hiroki Kurosawa met Satoshi Yoshioka. With 3 Wazaries in the same fight, one can understand that the fight was more than exciting – and a little unusual. With the knock out expert Kurosawa on the tatami, wazari’s was not a rare thing – but who scored one and who scored two, and took the victory in this fight?

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3rd World Cup – 2005

A look back at the 3rd World Cup from 2005, held in June 18th & 19th, Osaka, Japan, 2005. Unfortunately, the video only contains fights from the men’s matches. As usual w want to give you a little more than only the video – so we dived into the archive and found the DRAWS for the tournament also. The results are of course well known – and discussed by fans i many years, but to see the level of the fighters from this tournament – that’s interesting!

Kunihiro Suzuki vs Donatas Imbras 2005,3rd World Cup.
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Valeri Dimitrov vs Roman Nesterenko

The 3rd place play off in the 9th World Championship was a very interesting set up. Both fighters with significant wins during the tournament, both strong profiles winning their top tournament of their region in front. Dimitrov with his EC victory against Eduard Janoashvili in Lithuania, as Nesterenko became the champion of the Russian Open-weight,defeating top fighter Denis Grigoriev the year before.

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Norway Fullcontact Karate Organization

Ettersom interessen øker og spørsmålene kommer oftere rundt dette, er det nok på tide å informere ift vårt, NKO sitt medlemskap i World Fullcontact Karate Organization. Dette er ikke en nyhet, selv om det muligens blir det for noen. Dette er kort og greit et paraply organisasjon som NKO er automatisk medlem, siden WKO-Shinkyokushin er medlem sentralt. Dette er altså ikke noe som man har etablert i Norge sånn sett, men som automatikk ift det å være medlem i WKO-Shinkyokushin (bildeinfo fra fullcontact karate jp)

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God NKO innsats i tøffe tider!

Det er slettes ikke lett å holde koken oppe med Karate aktivitet for tiden, og sånn sett ikke annen aktivitet heller. Men NKO har flere gode initiativ fra medlemmer – alt fra trening i mindre skala, testing på landslaget,til internasjonale web arrangement.

Arendal kk på web-fightcamp
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Gergana Atanasova vs Edit Ábrahám

In 2007, at the 9th World Karate Championship two of the very best European fighters faced each other in the quarter final. Gergana Atanasova (Bulgaria) and Edit Ábrahám (Hungary) Both “always” to see at the EC podium – like in 2007, both in the EC final, Ábrahám in middleweight and Atanasova in heavyweight.

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Lithuanian national 2021

LIVE TODAY! One of the top nations in Europe will decide who will represent the nation in the main tournaments coming up, such as European Championship in Georgia this June 2021. Profiled top fighters will meet on the tatami, divided into five categories for women and men each. Kata is also on the program.

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