NKO samling i Oslo!

Lørdag 11. September avholdt Oslo Shinkyokushin samling i Oslo Karateklubb sine lokalen, hvor treningen foregår til vanlig. Samlingen var ment som en Kick off for Oslo Shin selv – og selvsagt for andre som hadde tid og lyst denne dagen. Utøvere fra Egersund, Arendal, Horten og Ringerike hadde funnet veien. Opplegget ble lagt på utvikling i klubbene, og hvordan Fullkontakt Karate har endret seg mye i hvordan man trener til alle formål.

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Donatas Imbras Vs Lukas Kubilius

Two of the toughest heavyweight fighters out of Europe, for the most of us no introduction needed. But some may wonder, and these two fighters challenged the very best in the world. Reaching top 4 six times in World Championships Open and with weight categories. What happen when they fought each other?

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European Championship U-categories

The European Karate Championship Shinkyokushin for U-categories will be held in Romania, Oradea 13 & 14 November (Which in practice means 11-15) Kumite and Kata are on the menu, divided in age categories from U-21 (Youth) , U-18 (Juniors) and U-16 (Cadets) Lately we have seen that the top fighters in U-21 contain such high level, that they are capable to reach the podium in the EC seniors. This will also be the first edition with U-categories “alone” separated from adults.

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Romanian International Cup 2021

I one month, October the 2nd, The Romanian International Cup 2021 will be held in TRANSYLVANIA Sports Hall – Sibiu. If you are a young fighter – or have some young up and coming fighters, the end of registration will end in one week – 12th September. Don’t miss this great opportunity to Kick-start the 2021-22 season!

Romanian Int Cup 2019 – Kumite & Kata
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Willy Williams vs. Masaaki Satake

Back in 1991 these two fighters fought each other in a five single match event. Two profiled strong fighters who had similar path in their fighting-life, going trough Karate, into other styles as K-1 and MMA. This fight was held in 1991 – Karate Fullcontact – and a classic battle between strength and technique – top spirit crowning it all.

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NKO Kick off Horten 2021!

Lørdag 14. August var det klart for Kick-off i Horten. To økter var satt opp, og dem ble effektivt kjørt i ledelse av Marleen Gregusson. Reg-Øst fikk også besøk av reiseglade utøvere enda lengere unna. Egersund, Arendal, Færder, Horten, Modum, Ringerike og Oslo var representert. Det var klart for kick-off med en rumensk touch!

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Sommerleier Romania 2021

Som en av de få, muligens eneste norske – var Marleen Gregusson deltager på sommerleier i 2021. Romania avholdt sin sommerleier helgen 22-25 juli, med stort fremmøte og internasjonal deltagelse såvel som internasjonal intruktør er det ingen tvil om hvorfor dette er en av de ettertraktede leire i Europa. Som hoved instruktør – Juan Carlos Escalera Shihan / Spania.

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EC Georgia 2021 write up-women

EC in Georgia showed that the future in the women categories looks very bright, good fights yes, but we can also see that the lower level have moved up and are better prepared than ever. Development in women fighting has moved at full speed forward, and as we see it, it is now important that the organizational part keep up. The EC level in Georgia prove a certain high level, so many skilled athletes in action..

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