Valeri Dimitrov Sensei to Norway 2013!

For the third time : Valeri Dimitrov Sensei coming to Norway. Shinkyokushin Norway Kick Off August 2012 was a great success. Kick Off 2013 will certainly be the same! More info will come..

Valeri Sensei and Magnus Hanssen Sempai Sweden

European Championship Open Weight 2013

After several years without, the Open Weight EC was held last year in Kielce, Poland. The U22 European Championship and EC for the Cadets will also bee held at the same time. This time it is The Romanian Karate Kyokushin Organization who will organize the event, that said we all know that this great event are in good hands.

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Shihan Howard Collins seminar Norway

There will be a seminar with Shihan Howard Collins 7.Dan 24 and 25 May. Færder Karateklubb, Norway. The seminar will focus on Kihon, Basic and Kata.

Færder KK inviterer til treningssamling 24 og 25 mai. Samlingen blir ledet av Shihan Howard Collins 7.Dan. To dager med elite undervisning med fokus på Kihon, Basic og Kata. Samlingen er delt opp i partier…


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Nazar Nasirov, Russia

Nazar Nasirov, Russia. Good technical variety, strength and endurance. And also the ability to set up knock outs. 6th place in the World Championship 2015, and Technical Award.Winning the Russian Open weight 2016, defeating the best of Russian fighters across organizations and weight. Runner up in the 6th World Championship  Weight category 2017. Technical award in the 12th World Championship, reaching top 16. World Champion KWU just few weeks later 2019

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European Championship 2013

Three weeks to this years European Championship in Shinkyokushin Karate. The EC tournament is a huge event, and for all the fighters in Europa this is the main event…but since the top level in Europe are top level in the world, tournaments as the World Championship and the World Cup can afflict the EC. Will this be a factor this year?


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Lithuanian Summer Camp 2013

Lithuania is known for its excellent level, and a strong organization. There are great profiles that appear as instructors at their summer camp 2013.06.15-21 Palanga

<– Donatas Imbras Sensei, top fighter of the world and Instructor.

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