“Valeri Camp 2013”

Saturday 24. August was the main day of this year camp..

Valeri Dimitrov Sensei pointed out that the things that would be trained would be well suited for the group – since this was something one was wondering about

More athletes, more nice weather and more top Shinkyokushin training!

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1st day – kick off / Valeri Camp

The camp’s first day and training have been conducted. As always there is a great atmosphere and the weather is ordered as last year – brilliant sunshine! Valeri Dimitrov Sensei has a great expertise in Kumite, as we all know, But he’s also an incredibly comfortable instructor. To get pupils and students to relax while focusing on the technical tasks, plays a  important role in the learning phase.

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Swiss Summer camp 2013

Switzerland is an incredibly beautiful country with a landscape that is breathtaking. This put a special setting for this year’s summer camp organized by the Swiss association Shinkyokushin. The camp had attracted athletes from different countries, Romania, Belgium, Lithuania, Norway and Japan were in place. Continue reading

Kokoro Cup 7


Dear friends of Karate Kyokushin and Shinkyokushin,Country representatives, Brand chiefs,Shihans, Senseis and Sempais. Bielanski Kyokushin Karate Club would like to invite you to the:

Seventh Edition of the KOKORO CUP 2013To be held on 30 November 2013 in Warsaw, Poland

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