Marek Odzeniak, Poland

Marek Odzeniak from Poland have been fighting at top level for several years. Just being one of Poland`s first choice in the middleweight division gives a perspective of what kind of level he has. Also fighting with success in open weight tournaments require much. Fighting in middleweight division are very hard, and Marek Odzeniak have been fighting many very hard fights,never giving up know for a all round good fighter with strength to back it up.


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Dutch Open 2014 Shinkyokushin

Michael Wedel, Andy Hug, Gerard Gordeau, Koen Scharrenberg to name a few names, since the late seventies Dutch Open was the tournament where these fighters met and fought as first generations Kyokushin fighters… the 2nd of February 2014 its time to pick up the Dutch Open tradition once again!  Kumite, Kata for all ages..


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10th German Winter Camp 2014

The German winter camp have in recent years built a respectable reputation and everyone knows the quality is among the very best. Top names of the world have been the guest instructors, Shihan Midori, Sensei Valeri Dimitrov, Sensei Roman Nesterenko, Sensei Muzaffer Bacak to name a few.This year : Norichika Tsukamoto Sensei!

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