Old Masters – card shaping up!

Ingen hadde sett for seg den interessen som det faktisk har blitt inn i mot Old Masters Kyokushin Cup 2013. Noen usikre påmeldte er det naturlig nok, ettersom de aller fleste har familie og fullt med arbeid å ta hensyn til. -og for de som måtte lure, damene er selvsagt også representert!

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Yuji Shimamoto, Japan

Yuji Shimamoto ( FB), Japan. One of the absolute top fighters from Japan. World Champion of the 11th & 12th WC and world champion in weight categories 2017. 4 times All Japan Open champion, to times winner of the All Japan Weight categories. Besides that he has numerous of tournaments reaching the podium. All top tournaments as All Japan Open (open weight and in weight categories), WFKO International Tournament (became runner up in 2018) World Championship in weight categories – 3rd place in 2013 (held in Lithuania)

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Belgian Mountain Camp 2013 pictures

Belgian Mountain Camp 2013 pictures. With instructors: Shihan Koen Spitaels 5e dan, Marc Goyvaerts, 4e dan, Muzi Bacak, 3e dan, Marius Ilias, 3e dan Willy De Peuter, 3e dan, Dirk Keulemans, 3e danBert Jansens, 3e dan

Click photo for more.. from Ashi Dojo