This weekend the 6th Edition of the IFK World Championship will be held in Spain. Live STREAM are ready, we just have to count down the last hours and minutes..
Continue readingGod gjennomkjøring i Spania
Helgens IFK VM i Spania er over – for alle norske, og det ble gode gjennomkjøringer for alle i et noe blekt VM. VM var redusert i forkant, og ble redusert ytterligere ila helgen på utøvere, og det hjalp ikke at det ble rotet med trekninger og informasjon. Uansett, man var der for å fighte – og det fikk man!
Continue readingAll round support in 6th IFK World Championship 2022
IFK holds its World championship in early June, 4-5th. The war in Ukraine stops Russia as participants. This means that the Russian dominance that has been the trademark of IFK event don’t kick in this time. IFK with a good all round support from several organizations makes the World Championship happen in Valencia, Spain for the 2nd time in twenty years, the 2nd edition was also held in Valencia, 2002.
Continue reading7th JFKO All Japan Open – results
21 and 22nd of May, the top fighters in Japan fought for the tittles in the 7th edition of the All Japan Open – Japan Fullcontact Karate Organization. With some major tournaments coming up – many had their last check before going into the last preparations. Top fighters from many organizations made the level sky high..
Continue readingNKO deltar i IFK VM
4-5. Juni deltar NKO og andre norske i IFK VM, avholdt i Spania. Normalt sett er nivået i dette VM skyhøyt, men grunnet krigen i Ukraina – full boikott av alle Russiske utøvere, ender det opp med et VM – snudd på hodet. I lys av dette, så kan det faktisk vanke norske medaljer.
Continue readingNorwegian Shinkyokushin Summercamp 2022
From 30. June to 3rd July, the Norwegian Shinkyokushin Summercamp will be held in Horten, Norway. Main instructors of the camp will be non other than Cristian Bolduț Sensei / Romania and Anikka Peterson Sensei / Sweden. Also attending guest of honor Dan Tiuca Sensei / Romania.
Continue readingCamp Banzai 2022 Sweden
Banzai invites you to Camp Banzai 2022 with great profiles and atmosphere to lift your spirit and knowledge! The weekend 26th to 28th August, Gothenburg, Sweden – Banzai will welcome you with guest instructors from Lithuania and Hungary: Brigita Gustaitytė and Edit Abraham!
NKO i Stora Höga Open
Så var det klart for Stora Höga Open, som avholdes i Sverige ikke langt fra Gøteborg. Dette er et bredde stevne som geografisk ligger meget gunstig til for region øst, og som har vært fast på kalenderen i flere år. I årets utgave var nivået jekket opp noen hakk – og NM tittler sto ikke så høyt i kurs som man skulle ønske. Bergen, Oslo Ringerike og Arendal tok turen, og stillte i full bredde!
Continue readingThe 7th All Japan Full Contact Karate Championships
The 7th All Japan Full Contact Karate will be held 21st and 22nd May. Year after year we are impressed by the level and the number of fighters at such a high level. With 5 categories in the men’s division, that gives us in total 274 fighters, 4 categories in the women’s division with 98 fighters in total. Again the land of Karate, Japan lead the way.
Continue readingMonika Zielińska, Poland
The impact of Monika Zielińska in the European Championship in 2021, Georgia really set focus on a extraordinary fighter. With a drive beyond what we have been seen before, and a devastating back-kick to top it all. Who else can overpower three World Champion in the one and same tournament? Taking the European Championship tittle i 2018 – moving up i the heaviest category with stiff competition more tittles and being the best fighter of the tournament as well.
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