Marek Wolny, Poland

Open weight champion 2022, weight EC champion 2023. In 2013 Wolny entered the EC podium for the first time – 3rd place European Championship in the light heavyweight, and 5th place in The 45th All Japan Open Tournament. Hard-working for many years, several podium places in different organisations, and been representing Poland for many years in the major tournaments. For many being seen as the proof of never giving up spirit in many extremely long and demanding fights. In Poland, known for hard fights in the Polish Championships with top fighters of the world as Maciej Mazur, Patryk Sypień with more.

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Swedish Open 2014 – Knock Down Tournament

Swedish Open 2014 – Knock Down Tournament

Swedish Karate Kyokushinkai invites you to the 5th Swedish Open Championship Saturday September 20th, 2014.

Keep the date in the calender, fighters as well as spectators, the Swedish Open is one of the prestigious tournaments to participate in. And the tournament always have a professional setting for those who choose the best seats in the house.

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Shihan Howard Collins Seminar in Norway 4-5 April 2014

Shihan Howard Collins will once again visit Norway, Fana Karateklubb! Do not miss the opportunity to train under Shihan Collins, who shares his unique knowledge of Kyokushin Karate. The answers we’re looking for in Kyokushin Karate is there, but we all need some someone who can point out the direction now and then.          «Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle. Straight lines stem from this principle.»

Shihan Collins besøker Fana Karateklubb (←kilkk Fana for program) nok en gang for å spre sin dype kunskap innenfor Kyokushin Karate. Det har blitt en tradisjon for Fana å innvitere Shihan Collins, noe som er flott for klubb, region og organisasjon. Fredag og lørdag 4 og 5. April er det altså igjen mulighet …

Orest Pròc, Lithuania

Orest Pròc,Lithuania. Pròc have been in the top of the middleweight for many years, known for his power full fighting, and the stamina to keep it going. Fought his way through the European Championship in Denmark 2005, and ended 2nd. Only beaten by Marius Ilas. Pròc also made it to the podium in 06,07,11 and in 2012 as the winner of the middleweight category. His last victory, and perhaps the biggest is the World Cup gold in his home arena in 2013. WKO youtube for more

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The Best of Shinkyokushin 2003 -2013!

Through the ten last years there have been many memorable moments. The video you can see gives us the biggest knocks out in the biggest tournaments Shinkyokushin have.

Here we also see many of the most famous fighters, which develop through ten years and great performers who have end their careers in recent time.

Great clips from World Tournaments, World Cup, All Japan Open will give you “The Greatest K.O. 2003 -2013”

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Kata og fight samling region øst

Det står Kata og fight fordelt på to dager, 5 og 6 April. Lørdag er det klart for Kata samling i Horten, og søndag er det fight på Ringerike. Kata i Horten er for alle som kan krype å gå, og info kommer.

På Ringerike søndag har man gjort en liten vri, og ene økta er for og med U22 utøvere..

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