IV Polish Open – Children, Cadets and Juniors

Acting in concert with the Municipial Office in Lublin, with the Polish Federation of Karate
Shinkyokushinkai, and with the District Union of Far East Kyokushin Karate Martial Sports,
Mas Oyama`s Kyokushinkai Karate Lublin Club is honoured to invite the representation of your
club to take par in IV Polish Open Karate ShinKyokushin Children, Cadets and Junior
categories in Lublin 24 may 2014.

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Belgian Spring Camp 2014 – video

Just by looking at the poster of this years camp, we all knew that this camp would be something special. What characterizes good training camp? There can be several things, but when participants return home with a strong positive experience … the will be back – and with their friends!

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Sosai Mas Oyama 1923-1994,26/4

The father of Kyokushinkai Karate, Sosai Mas Oyama mas passed away for twenty years ago.Today, it is the 20th anniversary of the death of Sosai Mas OyamaHis importance can not be told with words. We honor his memory on this day, may he rest in peace.

Karate Dream Cup 2014

The Karate Dream Cup 2014 International Championship will be held on August 23-24 at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.


This tournament is open to anyone outside of Japan, but only every other year. Last time it was open was in 2012, which means that this year everyone outside Japan sign up!

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Belgian Spring Camp 2014 – breaks all records!

Few training camps can offer such a number of top instructors as the Belgian Spring Camp. This is also the recipe for the success we see at this year’s camp. Shihan Koen Spitaels, Belgian Chief Brand is the man behind the camp – with the help of his Kyokushin friends!

About two hundred participants was taking part in this year’s camp, see video from the camp..



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17th Greek Shin-kyokushinkai Summer camp,25-29 June Skiathos 2014

The 25-29. June, the Greek summer camp will be held, and it is the seventeenth year in a row the camp is held. In 2008 Kenji Midori Shihan visited the Greek camp,together with his Sensei Yasukazu Koi and Sempai Syohei Yamano This was not the first time Shihan Midori was attending at the camp, also i 1999, 2000 and 2004. Apart from Midori Shihan, there have been many highly skilled top instructors over the years…

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