Polish Team ready for EC

Around Europe the different national teams are doing their last preparations for the European Championship in Azerbaijan, Baku 30-31 May. Poland have always been a strong Kyokushin nation, and they have been working hard to raise the level further…

←Lemieszko Lukasz  and Marek Odzeniak

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Oki Kodomo Open 2014, resultat

Lørdag 3.mai var det igjen klart for Oki Kodomo Open, arrangert av Banzai Kyokushin Karate, Göteborg. Sist år var det med en norsk fighter, denne gangen hadde man med en junior og to i klassen barn. Turneringen er tilpasset barn og ungdom for å gi dem et god start innenfor fight karrieren som kan bli vel tøff om man ikke skaffer seg erfaring tidlig. Det er jevnt over en god nivåforskjell mellom Norge og Sverige, hvor Norge må pent finne seg i å være “lillebror” Fana og Horten var desom stillte fra Norge, og var det ingen som angret seg for!


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Viviana Alexandra Chirila, Romania

Viviana Alexandra Chirilia, Romania. In the heavy weight category, Viviana Chirilia have always been a fighter to follow. Strong fighting style, with brutal power in her techniques.Looking at the European basis, she has reach the podium in the Open Weight tournament as well as in weight category. Also reached the second place in the World Cup 2009.Fought her way to the final in Mazowia MAX 80 in 2014, winning the EC open weight late in 2014 and again third place at the EC in 2015.

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