Diamond Cup – fighters ready!

2014_diomondcup - KopiThis weekend Diamond Cup, The 1st West European Tournament will be held in Belgium. The aim for the tournament is to give the Western Europa countries a European Tournament to build the level among these countries.

The tournament offer cadet, adult, Kata and fight.

The tournament will be streamed live, and we are taking a lock on the fighters who are ready…!


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Sommerleir 2014 Tromsø

Sensei_Niitsu_2014Som man leser av overskriften så skal denne repotasjen ta for seg sommerleir i Tromsø.Den første sommerleiren i rekken ble avholdt i Norge, og den ble avholdt i Tromsø med Tromsø Karateklubb som arrangør. Fra NKO stillte Finnsnes Karateklubb sterkt, og også et par søringer fra Ringerike Karateklubb var på plass. (bildet Sensei Niitsu So-Kyokushin Japan) Bilder fra Tromsø er av Kennet Augdal

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WKO+Ashihara Kaikan+Kyokushin Union+JKJO+KWU!

sosaiHungarian Mas Oyama Memorial Cup 2014.

From official invitation :

“This tournament will be held as a memorial event to mark the 20 the anniversary of the death of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate. This international event will be cosponsored by WKO and the Hungary Branch, the host country, and WKO competitors from various regions will participate in this tournament. We would also like to invite competitors from other international karate organizations for this tournament..”

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