Danish Summer Camp report

2014_DanishCamp (138) - KopiDanish Summer Camp report!

Through the days of the Danish summer camp, all the participant where amused over the great location of the camp. The camp area is in an enormous sports center with possibilities to do any kind of sport, inside as well as outside. And as every know Kyokushin can be trained everywhere!

←Kumiko Sunakawa Sensei



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World Tournaments with Valeri Dimitrov Sensei

Dimitrov32-200x300 - KopiNext year 2015, the 11th World Tournament will be held in Japan. We know that athletes around the world are beginning to look forward, and start the preparations for the biggest tournament. We on the other hand, are going to look back at the previous World Tournaments and follow Valeri Dimitrov Sensei. Dimitrov Sensei who are one of the main instructors this weekend at the Danish Summer Camp.. (we will give you updates….)

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NKO Sommerleir i Stavern


Som vanlin ble årets sommerleir avholdt i Stavern, etter at 2013 leir ble avholdt på Moi. Dette etter annen hver gang Vest-Øst avviklingen moldellen som som NKO benytter seg av. Årets leir ble som alltid en variert leir rent faglig, men i år stod det også andre ting på tapetet -som løfter NKO videre opp og frem som en spiss i Norge.

Leder av Faglig råd ←Sensei Erik A Helin, ledet årets leir med flere nye vinklinger og organisatoriske løft.

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Report and pictures – Summer camp Norway!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERATime just fly away when you are around open minded and positive people. And top of that you train, eat, and sleep Kyokushin Karate! As said before, this camp did had visitors from Spain and Sweden. Shihan Juan Carlos Escalera 6.Dan, Sempai Magnus Hanssen 2. Dan, and Sempai Jimmie Collin 1. Dan. Norway had also their first line with Sensei`s who did their part teaching Kyokushin Karate.

Summer camp in Norway..



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