Keiko Sweden – ten year anniversary!

keikologo-KopiSwedish Kyokushin Karate has always been known with a good reputation. Great profiles in Kyokushin Karate are found in this country, some born and raised there, others come from other countries and settled in Sweden. In modern times Sweden has played a significant role in competition Karate. This small country in the north have managed to challenge the dommnante nations of Europe, and also proved competitive against the best. At the head of this, there has been a gym that has made more prominent than others: Keiko. These days Keiko celebrates 10 years …

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Fredrikstad Karateklubb Shinkyokushin – Hajime!

Fredrikstad_Shin_2014 (5) - KopiTorsdag 4.september var det klart for oppstart i NKO sin nyeste etablering, FKS. Med egen innsats og litt back up fra Ringerike var det et ungdomparti og et voksenparti som skulle til pers denne torsdagen. Kristian Vinje og Andrè Nilsen  fra FSK og Svein Olaf Bennæs og Steffen Haukedalen fra Rkk tok i mot de spente som skulle prøve fullkontakt for første gang..



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Mas Oyama Memorial – Training

mas_memorial_hungary_IIMany have been waiting in anticipation for this weekend.The event will highlight Mas Oyama Sosai’s 20th anniversary passing away. Common training with all the prominent visitors is the introduction to the weekend before the Memorial tournament kicks off Saturday. The tournament will offer some of the world’s best fighters, and from several organizations and styles. WKO is natural enough heavily represented, since the events organized by them.

Photo by WKO Facebook (link)

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Shinkyokushin Norge 2014-15

FKKSRundt om i klubbene er det oppstart og faste rammer som gjelder, de fleste klubber har hatt sommervirksomhet men da på friere basis enn vanlig. Årets sesong er allerede spekket med aktiviteter, og følger opp spissingen av Kyokushin i Norge. Med sommerleiren friskt i minne er motivasjonen på topp, og årets sesong innehar ny klubb i NKO, turneringer, samlinger med celebert besøk og leire..!

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Mas Oyama International – draw

oyama_memorialHungary is very well represented, as is natural for a host country. Since the tournament has focused on a strong international participation, one gets a line up that is very interesting. With Japan, Russia and Kazakhstan as well as the European elite, so you get some World Cup feeling. Although one “missing” some big names, there are plenty of elite fighters who are ready. Fun to see that Alexey Leonov from Kazakhstan makes a come back. See full draw..!

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