Poland prepares to championship

Polishcamp2014October 4 in Warsaw, in the dojo of Bielański KK Club, held PFKS ​​National Team preparing for the EC Open, U22 and Cadets. The training camp was attended by around 120 athletes, including all the top atletes from European Championship, medalists (Agata Kaliciak, Marta Lubos, Mateusz Garbacz, Maciej Mazur, Marek Wolny, Łukasz Lemieszko). For senior kumite were held two training sessions conducted by the team coaches: Shihan Shihan Bogdan Lubos, Sensei Mariusz Mazur and Sensei Pawła Orysiaka.

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2014branka - KopiBranko Memorial (se the DRAW HERE) is a highly recognized tournament that has built up a reputation sit through nearly 20 years. The tournament is tough, challenging and well organized. Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, France, Greece, Italy, Austria and Croatia has fighters ready for this years tournament. The sharp competition between Europe’s strongest nations will take place in this tournament, and many of the up and coming fighters will make their mark.

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British Open 2014

2014_British_Open-KopiBritish Open approaching and thanks to strong sign up from many countries and organizations, this appears to be a memorable tournament. It is believed that there are Russian domination as usual, but several organizations have with athletes, so it may be some variation between the organizations.



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Belgian Spring Camp 2015

2015belgian - KopiThe Belgian spring camp has been built up to be one of the most prominent camps in its own way. There are not many, if any, who can give the same instructor panel as this camp has to offer. Camp for 2015 aims to top the previus,if it is possible! Big names on the list and Shihan Kenji Midori is going to be there. Will you?!

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Caucasus Cup 2014

caucasuscup2014ISeptember 28th Caucasus Cup 2014 – Georgian Open was held. From the year before,2013, this had been a strong international tournament with countries as Azerbaijan, Lithuania, Armenis,Kazakhstan and Georgia. This year it was fewer countries at the line up. The main reason for that was that about the sam eperiod of time several big tournaments was held across Europe. But som new countries attendet this year,  Greece and Israel.  But Caucasus Cup remains as a very strong tournament, and the medals is hanging high.  

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Spontansamling NKO reg Øst September!

2014_NKO_reg_sept (18) - KopiSpontansamling NKO region Øst September!

Tradisjon tro så har Region Øst en vane å tromme sammen samlinger via kort tid, og det på sms basis. Man skulle tro at dette gikk utøver oppmøte og deltagelsen, siden man tar det på sparket. Men som alltid, det er ikke rent lite interesse som beveger seg i regionen som gir positivt utslag. I løpet av noen sms og et par – tre dager dukket det opp over tyve stykker på en søndag i høstferien!

Denne gang gikk det for seg i sparring og sosialt samvær!


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Carpatiha_cup2015 - KopiRzeszow Club Martial Arts System offers an international tournament Shinkyokushin Caprathia Cup 2015, which will be held January 31, 2015, at the Sports Hall of Rzeszów University of Technology, ul. Poznan 2A.

The tournament will be held in the semi contact kumite categories for cadets and juniors, and full contact for seniors.

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Old Masters Kyokushin 2014

Oldmaster2014I2013 ble det et nytt tilbud for Kyokushin fighters – Old Masters Kyokushin Cup! Dette er turneringen som er ment for de godt voksne, og her nytter det heller ikke å komme drassende med hauger og lass av gamle meritter heller. Dette er et kamp tilbud for god voksne som har lyst å konkurrere litt for moro skyld! Den sosiale delen er limet i arrangementet! Man skal ha det gøy, selv det viste seg at flere ble litt spente også! Også i år tar man sikte på å avholde to klasser for menn og minst en for damer.



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