1st Karate World Cup 1997

WWCiko2 97See the 1st Karate World Cup from 1997. Norichika Tsukamoto, Toru Okamoto, Muzaffer Bacak, Tadashi Ishihara, are some of the big guns you can see in video. It is also a great treat to see how the WKO Shinkyokushin has grown in size, and one og the reason why. This video from -97 shows us great fighters with very good skills and correct attitudes. Several of these athletes have and are still today, role models for many of us.

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Ilya Yakolev, Kazakhstan

Ilya_Yakolev - KopiIlya Yakolev, Kazakhstan.

Winner of the 8th Kokoro Cup in Poland and is also the reigning 15th Asia Open Championship Champion. Yakolev is a very competent fighter, very strong, movable and technical. His will is as expected also at the elite level. Manage to reach the podium in the 6th WC 2017, 8th place in the 12th WT. Kwf World Champion, and 6th place in the 1st WFKO International Tournament – 2018

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Shihan Collins seminar 2015

howard1978Once again celeber guest in Norway, Bergen, Fana. 13 and 14 March visiting Shihan Howard Collins Fana Karate club once again. Do not miss this, because this will bring you further, and in the right direction of Karate`s infinite way. whatever level you are at, and whatever assumptions – be there.

Fana Karateklubb inviterer nok en gang til seminar med Shihan Collins. Benytt deg av muligheten å få trene under en av de virkelige store Kyokushin pionerer.

Visit http://www.shihancollins.com/



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Gradering Ringerike KK

Som vanlig er desember gradering`s 2014RKK_grad (14) - Kopitid for de fleste Karateklubbene rundt om. Og Ringerike KK er intet unntak. Under årets gradering var Sensei Erik A Helin, leder av faglig råd hentet inn som ekstern sensor. Årets gradering hadde også flere nye elementer på selve testingen, noe som ga langt dypere teknisk fokus..


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Kokoro Cup – Winner Ilya Yakovlev!

Ilya_Yakovlev1A strong year from  Ilya Yakovlev ends with victory in Kokoro Cup. The strong heavyweight from Kazakhstan wins Kokoro Cup and he can look back on a very strong year in terms of results. Not only did Yakovlev win Saturdays tournament, he is the Champion of the 15th Asia Open Championship, and “Andrey Materov memorial” tournament this year. The tournamnet had some noticeable changes, which meant that it got unexpected setup and results.

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