“FULL CONTACT KARATE CAMP 2015” Belgium/Netherlands

fckc2015This Full Contact Karate camp will be a collaboration between All Full Contact Karate styles and Organizations in the true spirit of Budo.The meaning is to train and to work together with great spirit and strong friendship.  The FCKC will be held on Friday 5th, Saturday 6th and sunday 7th June 2015 In Hotel “De Kinkhoorn, Zeedijk 292, Oostende (seaside Belgium)

Special Guest will be the President of the Japan Full Contact Karate Organization Shihan “Kenji Midori” .

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Georgian Open weight 2014

georgian_absolute_2014 - Kopi14 of December the Georgian Absoloute Open Championship was held. Georgia known for strong kyokushin athletes, and has several international profiles. The tournament was Open Weight and open to all organizations.

See videos from the tournament, and remember “Dynamite comes small packages”

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Kyokushin Open Norway 2015

Kyokushin_open2015 - KopiKyokushin Open Norway, Bergen 25th April 2015. Norway has only one tournament to offer at top level : Kyokushin Open in Bergen. The Kyokushin tradition is strong in Bergen, with over 40 years of experience it is one of Norway’s kyokushin foundation.

Full Contact Norway has for many years fought against a very strictly’s regulations set by the government. This has slowed all forms of full contact in Norway and made it hard to hold international tournaments. And since the Norwegian regulations have been different from the rest of the world, it has not been easy to get foreign athletes to come. But now the times have changes…

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