Norge i Scottish Open 2015

Scottish Open 2015 v3 (1)Lørdag 21.februar ble Scottish Open avholdt, og Norge var på plass med et blandet lag for å se hva man kunne få brynet seg på! Scottish Open er en middels stor turnering som passe norsk nivå godt. Turneringen har også novice klasse, altså en for mindre merriterte utøvere. Flere norske klubber deltok i helgens turnering med forskjellig målsetning ettersom hvilke utøver det dreide seg om.



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Gàbor Ròzsa UK fight seminar 2015

Gabor_seminar2015 – KopiA technical athlete beyond the ordinary. Stands for technical purity in his stylish fighting, which has given him five European championships. Also has won the All Kyokushin World Tournament in 2009 / IFKK. Technical, explosive and ability to finish matches with quick knock out. These criteria has given him many technics Awards and titles.completely superior when he won Oyama Cup in Hungary in 2014, and stopped almost all his fights before the time. Learn from one of the best!



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